Why There Is Much More to SEO Than Keywords

Undoubtedly, keywords are one of the most important parts of SEO. Keywords help Google determine the relevancy of your page with the user’s search query. In fact, Google relies on keywords to show up the relevant results to the user. 

While Google never reveals all the exact details and factors that are important for SEO but we have collected evidence from various research papers and we have interviewed a few top SEO experts from Montreal Digital Agency to understand what Google considers when ranking a website.

And, we’re quite sure that there is a lot more to SEO than just keywords. If you’re dependent on keywords to get a high ranking in search engine results page, then read on to know why you should follow other SEO techniques as well. 

Why keywords alone are not enough for SEO?

According to the top SEO experts of Montreal Digital Agency, Google considers other factors when ranking a website such as:

  • Site Speed
  • Bounce Rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Average time people spend on your webpage
  • Site Security
  • Quality and Reliability
  • Technical errors and Mobile-friendliness
  • Number of high-authority backlinks
  • Age and domain authority of the website
  • Images
  • Easy navigation

And, much more. In fact, Google considers around 200 factors when ranking a website. Most of them are still secrets. So, if you’re trying to rank just with the help of keywords, it’s time to rethink your SEO strategy. 

The problem with keywords is that everyone is using it. For example, when you search for a digital agency in Montreal, you will find more than 89,20,000 results which means that more than 89,00,000 websites and/or webpages are using the keywords “digital agency in Montreal” or similar to that. But searchers rarely go beyond the first page. This is why keywords alone can’t help your SEO. 

Things you should focus on for better SEO

When it comes to Google, it considers user experience as its top priority. This means the best way to rank on the top of SERPs is by providing a better user experience. 

Start with running a survey or ask your customers/visitors to give feedback to understand what you can improve. Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to know where most of your visitors are getting stuck or where they are spending the least time. 

Bounce Rate: A higher bounce rate indicates that your site visitors aren’t getting the information they are looking for. As a result, Google stops showing your page on the top for similar search queries. So it’s time to improve the quality of your content. Also, stop stuffing irrelevant keywords to attract visitors just to let them bounce back as soon as they land on your page. 

Easy Navigation: When people find it difficult to find things they are looking for on your website or when it is difficult to navigate through your webpages (going from one page to another), they’re more likely to bounce off just to never return. Moreover, Google crawlers also find it difficult to index websites with heavy and complex structures, which in turn, reduces your chances of ranking on the top. Therefore, take the time to restructure your website for easy navigation.

Technical SEO: There may be pages on your website that are broken or you might have linked to a website long ago that doesn’t exist anymore. Google crawlers not only scan your website but also the links you have on your website. Broken links can hamper your SEO negatively. So, perform a technical SEO audit on a regular basis to identify and fix broken links. 

Images: Images not only help you keep your visitors engaged but they also add meaning and authority to your content. Make sure that the image you use is highly relevant to the context of your content. Don’t add images just for the sake of it. Moreover, don’t forget to cite the source. Google can’t view the images you use, it relies heavily on the ALT Text tag to figure out what it is all about. Therefore, adding “ALT TEXT” to all the images on your website is extremely important.

There are other things as well but these things are the most important ones that can help you with your SEO. 


SEO is not only about keywords. Yes, keywords do play an important role in your website’s SEO but consider user experience and other factors as well when planning for your SEO. Moreover, don’t forget to use high-quality images and ALT text on it. 

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