Top SEO Tactics to must use in Modern World

Today, it is impossible for a brand to survive competition if it does not have a strong presence online. Simply having a website will not help if people do not know about it. People have less time and they rarely go beyond the first page of results. Effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques help in improving the rank of a website. If a website has a high rank, it would get more visitors and eventually more sales. While making an improvement in your Website SEO Score, must use SEO tools developed by prepostseo.

Here are the best SEO tactics which would prove to be very helpful in the year 2018.

Reinvent the content already present on your website

Uploading new articles and blogs on your website is always productive as it gives a reason to the visitors. However, there are some other methods as well which can be used along with scratch written articles.

Top SEO Tactics to must use

  • When you have published an article on your website, people would read it for a few days and once you add a newer one, readers would not show interest towards it. You can reshape the content that is already present on your website. To start with, check the content that is already uploaded. You can mix multiple articles or merge sections to come up with modified content. However, proper rephrasing is absolutely necessary because plagiarism is counted as a serious offense.
  • If you think that a particular piece or content or article would not be reused, do not clutter your website and remove it.
  • Reshaping existing content is an easier option as the content does not have to be developed from the start. The content is already there and you simply need to fine tune it.

Dig deeper into the topic

Today, readers look for interesting content and web pages stuffed with keywords unnecessarily reduces the level of readability. It makes the content less interesting and reduces flow. Today, people are more comfortable with the content that is research-based and provides in-depth information.

  • If you search for a certain topic or phrase, most websites provide an overview. Why would visitors choose your website if you have a similar approach? Experienced content creators and strategists take their time for research work when enriched content has to be produced. This is done to engage the reader as he would only use his precious time to view your website if it offers exclusive information.
  • When content is deep and backed by research, readers do not want to skip pages. Instead, they prefer reading and knowing the details. 

Using Linkable Assets

Having a linkable asset has always been a smart strategy to enhance SEO rankings. If your website is good enough to attract backlinks, it would surely claim the ladder of ranks. When you have quality backlinks, your website would grow in terms of both authority and reputation.

SEO Tactics to must use in Modern World

Making a quality linkable asset is not rocket science by any means. To start with, a piece of content with a smooth flow and quality facts can prove to be an amazing linkable asset. The standard of a linkable asset depends a lot on the caliber of the content writing team. Content has to be drafted carefully and with immense expertise to turn it into a linkable asset. It is not stuffing keywords and using lengthy irrelevant phrases to complete the word count requirement.

Enabling Voice Search

Websites that wish to get more traffic and improve their rank in 2018 should definitely support the voice search option. In the year 2016, according to surveys, around 21% of searched were voice based. This count increased in the year 2017 and is expected to rise further in 2018. Here are some important tips that need to be remembered if you are planning to get the voice search option enabled on your website. Voice searches are the future of modern day SEO.

  • It is important to get a feel of the searching patterns. When it comes to voice-based search, users do not have to type the search phrase so they tend to search for long phrases or questions. This simply means that your website content should have long tail keywords or commonly searched phrases with the correct density.

A related example

Consider that a potential buyer is seeking a pressure cooker. If he is typing the search, he would use phrases like “best pressure cookers” or “low-cost pressure cookers” to view the possible options. On the other hand, when he is using a voice search option, he would speak “which are the best pressure cookers” or “how can I find pressure cookers at low rates”. When it comes to voice-based search, it is more like conversing with the search engine. In a nutshell, to be ranked high through the voice search option, you need to think beyond the insertion of standard keywords. The content should include lengthy phrases and long tail keywords that users would use commonly.

Long Tail Keywords generate more potential sales

Having more traffic on your website surely does increase the chances of getting more sales but the assurance is definitely not there. When you talk about long tail keywords, they may produce lesser hits but have greater chances of producing sales. Here is how.

  • You need to understand the perspective of the user when he is searching online for something. People want to get specifically what they want in the shortest possible time span. This is where long tail keywords prove to be more productive. A web crawler or a surfer may want to view several links for research work or because he has the interest. A serious buyer who is browsing options for purchase something would have a different perspective. He would prefer more articulated and to the point search results. Evaluation of keyword density is important while writing unique SEO content.
  • Consider that you want to publish a report on “Android Smartphones by Samsung”. Thus, you would type the phrase “Android Smartphones by Samsung”. The approach of a buyer who is seeking to purchase a smartphone would be different. He would not have the time to search through several smart android smartphones including the ones that do not match his requirements. He would use a lengthier phrase to get more specific search results. Some examples include “Android Smartphones with 100GB memory card”. 
  • If you compare the two phrases, you would see that the one used by a buyer is lengthier but more specific. Long keywords may not be used by most users but they are surely used by people who use search engines when they have to make purchases.

In a Nutshell

Website owners should be aware of important SEO tactics and facts if they want their website to grow.

  • SEO trends are not like mathematics principles and they change from year to year or even before that. It all depends on the searching practices of the user. Web content should be written according to the searching preferences of users. Based on keyword analysis and in-depth research, SEO experts would provide you with what people are searching for and the phrases they are using. The web content should include these phrases to get more traffic.
  • Search Engine Optimization tactics also undergo change when search engines like Google change their algorithms. In such cases, the content has to be re-drafted to be aligned with the modified algorithm.

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