Find and Optimize Website’s SEO Ranking Keywords in Google Analytics

Your website or blog must be ranking for certain keyword on Google search results. Do you know how to find the keyword you are ranking for, on front page of the Google i.e. Keywords below rank 10. If you can find the keywords which are ranking low i.e. on the Second page of Goggle, then you can easily optimize those keywords for SEO in order to improve its Ranking.

But many of you don’t know how to find the High ranking keyword as well as low ranking keywords. Today you are going to learn, How to find and optimize Website’s SEO Ranking keywords using Google Analytics. Here is a step by step guide to study Google Analytics Acquisition Reports and get the website’s SEO Ranking keywords. Lets begin.

how to find SEO keywords in google analytics

Step by Step Guide to find SEO keyword ranking 

Step 1: Login to Google Analytics

Firstly you need to login Google analytics and click on the Acquisition section as shown in the image below. Acquisition section tells the details of your visitors. Now scroll down and click on the Queries option.
Guide to find SEO keyword ranking using google analytics
Here you would find all your ranking keyword in a definite order. But if you need to find the low ranking keyword then you need to apply a logic here. See the logic in the step 2.

Step 2: Arrange your keywords

To Find the low or high ranking keywords we need to sort out our keyword as per requirements. To do so, click on Advanced as shown in image below.
SEO ranking keyword arranging in google analytics
Now enter the logic as follows: Include Average position – Greater than – 10. Now click on Apply button. See image below to understand better.
google analytics search terms tracking
This logic would simply show you all the keywords which are ranking above 10 i.e. not on the front page of Google. 
To sort out the data according to the average position click on the Average position column twice. See image below.
average position of SEO keywords
You can also use different logic to find the desired high or low ranked keywords.

Step 3: Optimize the Keyword Ranking

Once you know which keywords are ranking low. You can easily go to your site and find that webpage with the similar low ranking keywords and Optimize that keywords for better SEO. We have discussed before Things to include in a blog post for better SEO, where you can learn how to optimize the website for SEO.

After optimizing and making suitable edits to your website. Check your keyword ranking once again after a week using the above meathod. You would find that the Keyword you optimized is now ranking better than before.

So that’s all in this post. Hope you learned something new. Thank you for reading this post.
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