Top 5 tips to write plagiarism-free SEO-optimized content

Plagiarism is the representation of other’s views, thoughts, and research without giving them credit. It is an unethical act that is growing very rapidly day by day.

The reason behind this problem is the excessive numbers of information providers on the same topic. According to internet live stats, there are more than 1 billion active sites on the internet.

It is common to get duplication of other views even you don’t want to do this. You may read someone for research purpose and use their findings unintentionally in your work.

If you are also facing this problem, keep in mind that it is not a surprising fact. This issue has become part of every writer when he lives in this era of information and technology.

Don’t worry if you are a writer and looking to learn how to write plagiarism free and SEO optimized content. We will guide you in this article properly and briefly.

Before that, let’s have a look at the facts to understand why we have to write unique content instead of plagiarized one.

Why is plagiarism free content important?

Search engines hate copied or duplicate content. A website with copied content will never be able to rank in higher positions and attract the audience.

No matter how much investment and efforts you are injecting the process, you can’t reserve a higher rank in search engine.

It will also increase the bounce rate of your website when readers leave your place just after reading the dull and repeated content.

In addition to this, you may also get a copyright strike from the original owner. They can file a case against you using DMCA that is specifically designed to deal with duplication issues. 

All these problems will harm your professional image in the market. When a person leaves your blog, he will never come back to you in his life. 

So, you should write plagiarism-free and optimized content to push your rank. Such content will boost the number of visitors on your website who will keep reading for a longer time. 

In turn, your website will be ranked as search engines detect positive movement on your website.  

Tips to write Plagiarism free and optimized content

No doubt, it has become difficult to write plagiarism free content due to excessive data availability. But you can write unique content if you focus on the following tips.

We have made these tips after researching properly and communicating with our writing team.

1. Understand the Topic appropriately

Before writing on any topic, you must understand it thoroughly. You can do this only by searching that topic or keyword over the internet.

You will find numerous results related to your topic there. You should read some of the given blogs and understand what the topic is about.

It is only possible when you are doing research appropriately. Many writers think that they know about the topic enough to write an article.

They start working on it with a little bit of research. In this case, people end up with an article full of plagiarism and duplication.

2. Enhance Vocabulary

This factor can be covered when you are doing proper research. With a comprehensive reading of various blogs, you will come to know many new words.

It will also give you an idea about how you can convince someone with your writings. You should enhance your vocabulary by learning synonyms, adjectives and antonyms of different words.

Keep an online dictionary like Merriam Webster open in your browser. You have to search for various terminologies, words, and phrases.

With this, you will be able to store a huge number of words in your mind. It will help you in writing plagiarism free content with unique and new words.

3. Invest time to write

It is the most important factor while you are writing a blog on a specific topic. Many people write the content in a hassle that may lead them to the worst results.

It has become common to read a paragraph of a specific topic and write it quickly. A lot of writers are writing a specific blog by combining various patches like this.

If you adopt the same method, you will face bad results regarding your website’s progress. We recommend you invest enough time to write on a topic according to its nature.

If you have to write a complex and lengthy document, do it properly, even if you have to invest some days. Don’t be hurry to complete a topic in a single day but take time as much as required by the article.

First, do proper research about the topic and then start writing on it. It will be better for you to make a layout at the start because it will help you in writing consistently.

4. Use online plagiarism checkers

Once you have completed an article or blog, try a tool to check duplication. There are many tools available online with which you can do this task precisely.

You can pick any of them as per your work requirements. For better results, you can use a tool which check plagiarism for free.

In a duplication checker, you only have to paste the content that you want to analyze. You can also upload a document directly from your device.

Afterwards, the tool will compare your document with billions of other published blogs, articles, books, papers, and journals. 

In the end, it will show the matched and unique content in a percentage format. You can now remove the duplication from your content quickly and make it unique.

5. Quote properly

It may be the biggest mistake that may show duplication in the content of writers. Many people do not know how to cite a source from where they are getting information.

Sometimes, they pick the idea from a lower-ranked website and do not give them credit. They think that it is not compulsory to give a quote to such a lower placed website.

It is an unethical act that you should avoid at any cost. No matter what the rank of a website is, you should cite the source properly.

You should not leave a single place to avoid plagiarism and copyright strikes. But keep in mind that you should keep quotations within a limit.

Excessive use of citation will also harm your SEO techniques that will de-rank your website.

Wrapping Up

Writing is not an easy task as it seems to be. You should adopt the above tips to write plagiarism free and SEO optimized content.

In turn, you will be able to rank in higher positions rapidly and get prominent traffic on your website.

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