How to Boost SEO for Your Law Firm

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves making changes to your website, so you can make it appear in more online searches. Boosting your SEO can help you gain more clients as they discover your law firm, but you may want to know how to boost your SEO. If you need some help, you should consider these tips since they’ll allow you to improve your SEO.

Focus on Keywords and Links

Improving your SEO involves identifying the keywords you want to utilize and including applicable links. This means you should go online and figure out which links you can add to your website to improve the SEO. For example, you can figure out which law-related links get the most traffic, so you can incorporate them into your website.

On top of that, you should add hyperlinks to your keywords, so they can help you appear sooner in searches. If you want your website to appear more often in a search engine, you’ll get more traffic. This in turn will help you gain more clients as they expose themselves to your firm.

Hire an SEO Service

Trying to handle keywords and links on your own can pose some challenges, so you should think about getting an SEO service to help you out. These types of services will identify different ways you can improve your SEO and appear in more search results. Since you run a law firm, you should focus on lawyer SEO for the best results.


Not only can they help you with SEO and keywords, but these types of services can also assist with blogs, topics, and developing unique content for you. Make sure you review the options available for SEO services, so you can find a business or person to help you out.

Work on Your Local SEO

While people will put effort into their general SEO, you should also think about your local SEO. This involves applying keywords and phrases for your local area as opposed to a general search. For example, if you run a law firm in Chicago, you need to gear your SEO toward keywords involving Chicago, Illinois, and other neighboring cities. Furthermore, you want to think of keywords that are related to your business practices that potential consumers might search for on google. Whether you are trying to rank for “best SEO law firm” or “how to get free Bitcoin”, there are analytical tools to help you find which keywords rank the highest for your business services. 

If you take this approach, you can help more people in the local area find your firm. Since law firms operate in their corresponding states, you should focus on your area when it comes to SEO. Make sure you figure out what keywords people search near you to improve your local SEO.

Utilize Google My Business

Many businesses will create Google My Business accounts, so they can establish their businesses on the internet. Your law firm can create an account, so Google can associate reviews with your business as a way to identify its importance. In short, the more reviews you get through Google My Business, the more your SEO improves.

This means you need to put forth the effort of convincing others to write reviews about your business. Make sure you talk with your clients after their cases and ask them for reviews, so you can boost your SEO. You can also encourage them to write reviews on other sites to boost your online traffic.

Purchase SEO Analytics Software

Businesses also purchase SEO analytics software to help them identify the frailties in their SEO. This software will look into your keywords and links, identify which ones help your business the most, and make suggestions on what you can change. From there, you can make improvements to your law firm’s website to improve its search engine ranking.

On top of that, this software can point out what other websites do well, so you can make improvements based on the information provided. You can even look through the analytics yourself to see what your firm performs well on. As you identify weaknesses and strengths, you can make some necessary SEO adjustments.


Working on your law firm’s SEO will allow you to gain clients as they discover your firm online. Make sure you go through these tips, so your business can make some improvements to its SEO. Feel free to apply these tips to your law firm, so you can expose your business to more people and gain some clients through your efforts.

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