How to find dofollow blogs with high page rank

Everyone n the blogging world knows the benefits of building backlinks. Backlinks are very important to make your site visible to search engines and get the top rank. But building backlinks or rather say building quality backlink is most important aspect. If you have lots of backlinks from low quality websites then they are of no use. And on the other hand if you have only few best quality backlinks then its a boon.

So to create quality backlinks, most bloggers often choose two awesome ways i.e. Adding Comments and Guest posts. There are other ways too, like Reciprocal links, Forum backlinks, Sponsor paid links etc. But here I am going to tell you about how you can find the dofollow blogs and websites with high page ranks to add your comments and guest posts backlinks.

how to get dofollow backlinks blogs

In general, there are no such search engines that tell you about do follow websites but if you do use search engines properly they can help you with that. I am going to tell you about some search engines query that will show you the results of the websites that accept do-follow comments and guest posts. Here we go.

Also read: How to write a compelling blog post – Rules and quick tips

First, if you have to download Seoquake extension on your browser. Which tells you about the page rank and other SEO info of the displayed search results (See image below). Download it from the links below.

Download Seoquake for Mozilla Firefox browser
Download Seoquake for Chrome Browser

find dofollow blogs with high page rank seoquake

Trick to find dofollow blogs with high page rank

After downloading the extension here comes the main part of finding the dofollow blogs and websites. To do so, use the below mentioned queries in the Google search engine. Each query is different and will show you different results. Just replace the word “Your Keyword” in the queries below with the keywords you want to find and after that search the whole query in the Google. The examples are provided for easy understanding.

Also read: Things to include in a blog post for better SEO

#1: To find the Dofollow comment accepting blogs

Your Keyword “Notify me of follow-up comments?” “Submit the word you see below:”

Use the whole query above to find dofollow comment blogs. Here is an example with keyword “How to format pc“, click on the link below to get the result.

How to format pc  “Notify me of follow-up comments?” “Submit the word you see below:”

After you type the above query in the Google search engine you will get the results of dofollow comments blog with your keywords. Now check the domain info of each search result. Check details like Ranks, age, domain score, trust score, alexa rank etc using the Seoquake extension data (see image below).

Also read: Find and Optimize Website’s SEO Ranking Keywords in Google Analytics

find dofollow blogs with high page rank - domain

So now you have a list of  high ranking websites, choose the websites you want to comment on. Add you comment there (Don’t add any spam comments).

#2: To find the Guest post accepting blogs

Your Keywords “accepting guest posts”

Use the above query in Google and find the guest post accepting blogs. The process is almost similar as mentioned in the dofollow comment blog. Here is an example with the keyword “How to format pc“, click on the link below to see the demo results.

You can also use variations in the query. Variations examples are listed below:
  1. How to format pc “become a contributor”
  2. How to format pc “submit article”
  3. How to format pc “this is a guest post by”
  4. How to format pc “guest post guidelines”
  5. How to format pc “become a guest writer”
  6.  How to format pc “contribute to our site”
  7. How to format pc “accepting guest posts”

So that’s how you can find high-quality blogs. Also if you want there is a tool that does the same work in an easy way. It forms the query automatically. The tool name is This website is very useful in searching for all kind of different blogs that has some special features. You have to register on for free and began using it. See the image below to understand better.
dofollow blogs with high page rank using drop my link
So the main idea here is to search differently with your keywords and find the best possible search results to create backlinks. Thank you for reading this post.
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