Best AI Recruiting Software That You Need to Know

Artificial intelligence has been helping businesses in different ways. It has made functions such as marketing, sales, and customer service as smooth as possible. Today, AI is also simplifying work for hiring managers. An HR department in an organization can now automate its recruitment process.

An AI recruitment software can handle job board posting, screening, interviewing, etc. But an HR’s success when using software depends on what they pick. A reliable AI recruiting tool should enable easy integration, be available 24/7, enable scalability, and solve your recruitment problems.

This article is a well-researched and unbiased review of some of the best AI recruiting software tools and utilizing recruitment innovations

Read on to pick the best AI recruitment software tool for your firm.

1. Manatal


Manatal is an all-in-one ATS & CRM solution designed to simplify and optimize all recruitment operations. The software includes tools that cover the whole recruitment process, from posting job ads to thousands of free and premium channels, building and customizing a career page, sourcing candidates and managing your candidate pools, collaborating with your team and external stakeholders, and much more. What’s more, the software is so easy to use that it takes almost no training to become proficient.

In addition, Manatal showcases a number of innovative features leveraging the latest AI technologies. These range from candidate scoring and recommendation based on job descriptions or user-defined requirements, advanced resume parsing, all the way to social media enrichment of candidate profiles. All this at the most competitive pricing in the market (USD $15 and $35 per user/month). Don’t miss out on their 14-day free trial to start boosting your team’s productivity.

2. Arya by Leoforce

The Arya recruitment software is a product of Leoforce software company. It is an excellent tool to use for sourcing, qualifying, and engaging candidates for a job position. It also helps with shortlisting by using predictive analytics and machine learning models to understand the candidates.

It is easy to integrate with several channels, including your business’s ATS/CRM. This helps to increase the quality of the hires made through Arya. This tool has two pricing plans – Pulse ($199 to $599) and Quantum (customized prices for larger companies). This makes it perfect for businesses of all sizes.

3. Textio

This tool utilizes big data and machine learning to make talent acquisition effective. It is primarily meant to help businesses find the right words when writing employer brand content. With Textio, an organization can create content that resonates with the language their desired candidates expect. 

Many big brands are using Textio to write marketing content. Examples of these companies include Slack, McDonald’s, Spotify, etc. This platform also has a wide range of the latest features. You can now enjoy features like team analytics, ATS workflow integrations, expanded language, etc., on this tool.

4. Olivia

Olivia is a second set of hands that every business needs to use today. It is an AI assistant designed to make engagement and hiring more human. Olivia answers questions that candidates interested in a position have. It also welcomes them to learn more, helps with screening and scheduling, etc.

This AI tool will help you save time and attract great job candidates. This AI assistant ensures people won’t have to wait for hours to get help or even click away. Olivia is available 24/7, and it responds to potential hires in real-time. Besides, you can also use it to promote an event via SMS and emails.

5. HackerEarth

HackerEarth is a global company that helps large enterprises recruit, evaluate, and upskill developers based on specific skills. The company’s platform enables recruiters to make the most accurate and informed decisions about candidates, improve hiring efficiencies, facilitate continuous learning and development, and ensure the right developers are matched with the right positions. HackerEarth is also a leading facilitator of online hackathons and coding challenges, where its community of over 7 million developers can upskill and practice for employment interviews. The company was founded in 2012 with offices in San Francisco and India.


  • Extensive library of 16000+ exclusive questions across 18+ roles and 900+ skills
  • Services 40+ roles and 10+ frameworks
  • Automated evaluation and benchmarking of candidates
  • AI-driven platform designed and tested for bias-free assessments
  • Integrates with major ATS like Lever, ZOHO, JobVite, JazzHR, TalentHub
  • Trusted by over 4000+ global tech companies
HackerEarth -  AI Recruiting Software

6. Eightfold

Building an instant pipeline of qualified job seekers is now easy. You can use Eightfold AI recruitment technology to predict the best job openings for individual profiles. It helps you save time by scanning through millions of profiles and setting your team up within a few seconds.

Big brands such as Air Asia,, Capital One, etc., use Eightfold for talent acquisition. It is a tool that’s best suited for large organizations with over 2000 employees and enterprise clients. Eightfold is the best tool a business can use when looking to increase its conversion and retention rates.

7. SeekOut


Another excellent AI recruitment tool to consider is SeekOut. This tool will empower your company to go beyond LinkedIn to acquire some of the best talents in the market. SeekOut helps HR professionals build custom shortlists for job candidates with considerations on the job description.

You can configure SeekOut to build the shortlist from its 500 million talent profiles. You can also decide to build the shortlist from your ATS, thanks to SeekOut’s easy integration. In addition, SeekOut makes it possible to reach out to candidates with automated sequences.

8. HiringSolved

This recruiting solution is also worth considering as a company’s HR. Its streamlined search and match experience makes it an excellent pick for hiring experts. It makes hiring as simple as it can get. You only need to feed the tool with your nice-to-haves, and must-haves then let it do the rest.

HiringSolved also helps identify unconscious bias in the hiring process. It increases accountability and recruiting efficiency for companies in various industries. With HiringSolved, you can make up the best team for your business with little human input.

10. AmazingHiring

You need to think about this tool if you are looking to add technical talent to your team. This tool gathers professional background data from over 70 different sources. It then builds shortlists from this data using your hiring criteria and considering a consolidated rating on their profiles. 

This tool has an efficient candidate filtering feature that makes it even better. You can filter the profiles according to titles, gender, years of experience, etc. AmazingHiring easily integrates with LinkedIn, Gmail, Outlook, etc., to make it easy to reach out to many other hidden talents.

11. Loxo

You can also increase your firm’s recruiting efficiency using Loxo. This tool has a database of over 530 million people seeking different jobs. It is an all-in-one CRM solution that helps companies recruit top-notch talent with a few clicks. It comes with modern features like Smart Grids and Task Management. 

These features make every stage of the hiring process seamless. That explains why big brands like Amazon, Endevis, Randstad, Stanford Rose Associates, etc., are using Loxo. It helps cut recruiting costs by 75% and boasts a satisfactory customer satisfaction rate of 98%. It is also suitable for all company sizes.

Final Thoughts

We cannot overemphasize the benefits of using AI recruiting software in a business. These tools are all you need to make your hiring process smooth and flawless. They help HR teams with tedious and repetitive tasks. This saves them some valuable time and increases their focus on more strategic tasks.

But then, there are a few pitfalls to be aware of even when using AI tools. Be on the lookout for AI bias, tools that don’t meet candidate expectations, etc. That said, AI hiring tools should not be replacements for human beings. 

They should help a business save time and costs while increasing recruiting efficiency. But then, it is also essential to check the ROI your business will get from an AI recruiting software. You can download an HRTech ROI calculator for the best insight.

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