Using Negative Keywords to Filter Out Unqualified Traffic on Amazon – An Advanced Guide

In this busy era of hustle and bustle, everyone strives to save time. From a kid managing studies and sports together to a grown-up adult managing entire life headaches, everyone is running out of time. So, in a broader aspect, this article is all about saving time and keeping things short and on point.

Just like in physical aspects, virtual things do require an on-point and synchronized set-up too. The global switch towards the online platform especially after the advent of the novel Covid-19 has laid much dependent stress on online websites.

The worldwide, greatest, and eminent website Amazon has intoxicated the adverse impacts of this pandemic to an admirable extent. But its proper implications require a sequential and well-programmed strategy. Out of those sequentially programmed strategies, usage of negative keywords to filter out unnecessary and unqualified traffic is the key topic of this article. 

What Are Negative Keywords?

Negative keywords are exactly the opposite of the keywords. Keywords are the list of words or phrases or clauses that adhere and assist the searcher to his center of interest and secure time and effort misspend. Conversely, yet similarly, negative keywords are those words or phrases that avoid the unnecessary heap. In simple words, the recommendations of any website will not pop up upon the usage of restricted negative keywords. 

Why Are Negative Keywords Important?

The entire necessity of using negative keywords relies on Pay Per Click (PPC). The advertiser of Amazon has to pay a certain amount upon each click of the viewer or searcher. So unnecessary public viewing can be avoided by pertinent selection of Amazon negative keywords. It helps in refining and improving the target audience, and execution of their sponsored Product campaigns respectively. This aids in saving huge amounts that would have gone in vain otherwise.

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In How Many Ways Negative Keywords Can be Written?

Categorically, there are fundamentally three main types of negative keywords or you can say that one can write negative keywords in three ways. 

Exact Match

As the name reflects, the exact match will only restrict the searcher to avoid only the specific seed keyword including its plural variant. For example, if the negative keyword is “water bottle”, it will limit the advertisement from search queries like “blue water bottle”, “water in bottle” and every other “bottle” including phrase. 

Phrase Match

Unlike the exact match, phrase match will restrict the advertisement to any phrase that is closely related to the seed keyword. In the above-mentioned example, “blue water bottle” will lie within the category of phrase match, but “water in bottle” will not, as the order in phrase match needs to be intact. 

Broad Match

As its name suggests, the broad match will avoid popping up the advertisement for the search that contains the negative keyword. In the aforementioned example “water in a bottle” will also be restricted from the recommendation search. Moreover, synonym-based phrases like “aqua bottle” will also be restricted. 

Which to Use and When?

Every single click matters. So, if you are a beginner, you should blindly go for the exact match to avoid unintended below-par outcomes. Once you get wisely sharpened skills then go as per the need. Phrase match will assist you in restricting various things in a single attempt by excluding entire categories. For instance, the addition of “water bottle caps” will limit the advertisement from all sorts of ”caps” containing things. Hence in this way, the usage of each match will be inappropriate following the requirement.

How Can we Search for Appropriate Negative Keywords?

For running a website properly, it is quite essential to enlist super appropriate both positive and negative keywords. Unnecessary traffic on the website will adversely affect its progress. So, there are two ways to select negative keywords. 

  1. Think of common irrelevant crossovers and enlisted them. For example: “cutlery” is the main theme of advertisement, so some irrelevant crossovers, in this case, can be “weapons”. So, such critical, yet common sense-based thinking will be required an inappropriate selection of negative keywords.
  2. The other well-synchronized way to do this is to construct experimental broad match positive keywords campaigns followed by the analysis of search queries one appears in. Precisely, Search Term Report is the official way to attain proper selections. This way will be beneficial because it will be providing us with accurate details regarding the irrelevant queries, and truncate the over-priced keywords.

There are various analytics tools and many Amazon Brand Analytics reports that can assist in the proper selection of keywords. 

Addition of Negative Keywords at the Advertisement Group or Campaign

After the suitable selection of negative keywords comes to its assimilation at the Advertisement Group or Campaign. They can be added in Campaign Manager one after the other by using bulk operations. Furthermore, creating a broad match campaign will initiate the advertisement to enlist for a wide range of terms.

Metrics are then the second stage having three main essentials. 

1. Low CTR non-converters

These are the keywords that are not fruitful enough in earning sales. In simple words, if the public is not clicking and viewing the advertisement, its crystal clears its irrelevance.

2. High-click non-converters

The expected conversion rate observed from Amazon Advertisements is around 10%. So, if one is having 30 or 40 clicks with no conversions, then the situation can be in an encumbrance. The product page, reviews, and shipping rates should be rechecked if it is occurring for every keyword or else, it is an audience issue.

3. High-spend low-converters

If one is not getting sufficient conversions, reconsider their removal or limited exposure to the targeted term. It will surely keep the expenditures low. Hence it is considered to be the most subjective metric within budget. 

Additionally, switch of broad match bids to exact match bids and non-competing own Advertisements will enlighten the impact of usage of negative keywords.

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