The Secret Sauce to Writing Compelling Content

I knew writing was my thing ever since I was in high school, which was why I loved it every time out teacher puts out an essay-writing assignment. I type my essay with the ease and confidence, which was why I never hesitate putting up my own blog. It looks like you’re planning to create your own blog too. Well, congratulations! You just got yourself a domain for your first blog site. It’s been your life-long dream to have your own blog, to be able to actually call yourself a blogger. And now that it’s almost just beneath your grasp, you promise yourself that you’re going to feed it loads of compelling content.

Also Read: Write a compelling blog post – Rules and quick tips

But just as you decide to write your first article, you start to ask yourself: how do I pull this off? I mean, writing a compelling content is a piece of cake, but it’s not like one blog post is going to do. If there’s something we do know, it’s that consistency is a rule when it comes to successful blogs. So, do you ever pull that off? Well, obviously, you’re going to have to write lots of compelling blogs. That’s something easier said than done. But don’t worry. Just like all other things, this is a skill that can be learned. 
Writing Compelling Content secret
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There’s a secret to writing tons of compelling content, and all successful content writers know the secret. Every single blogger hero you’ve ever laid eyes on the internet knows this secret, and now it’s time you do too.

Know your audience and angle 

You’re probably a pretty good writer, but that won’t get you far if you don’t know who you want to write for. That being said, this is the first thing that you have to figure out. You can’t just say that you’re going to write for the public. If there’s one thing all writers know, it’s that vagueness always lead to lousy writing. Well, I guess that’s also the case when it comes to choosing the people you want to write for.

Also Read: Things to include in a blog post for better SEO

I know you don’t feel like deciding on your audience at this time when your main problem is how to write content, but once you’ve figured out who you’re going to write for deciding for the topic is easy. So, to answer the question who do I want to write for? you have to first ask yourself some other question: what is my site about?

Once you get that out of the way and then choosing the audience to write for will be a piece of cake. For example, if your website is about web development, and then your audience is web developers. If your site is about writing, and then your audience are writers. 

Writing Compelling Content

Well, now that you’ve decided who to write for it’s time to choose an angle for your article. Why am I asking you to look for a different angle instead of thinking of a topic? Well, the thing is if you try to think of a topic, you’ll just end up writing about the same things as everything else on the internet. One of the factors that make up a good content is uniqueness. The best way to do it is to it is to look for the most popular content on the internet and look for a different angle.

Use prove headline templates

One of the biggest mistakes bloggers usually make is making up the headline or title. They often reinvent the wheel when it comes to the headline. They think that the idea within the content is what’s important. Even though that could be true to some extent, you still have to consider the fact that people are always busy. With all the paper works piled up on their desk, they won’t have the time to read every article they lay eyes on. So, getting their attention will really be a piece of work. You have to stir their emotions right at the headline. Why does your headline have to be stirring? Well, it’s the only way to get them to click the link and read your content.

Here are some examples of proven headline formulas:

  • [Number] of [Something] about [Something]
  • What [Something] can teach you about [Something]

These patterns were proven to have worked on Copy Blogger, as well as on other sites, and I’m pretty sure that they’re going to work for you too.

Also read: 15 Time-Saving Tools for Content Development

Hooking your reader 

Great, so you were able to get one reader to click on your post. But as you did, you also have to pull off a great hook so that your visitor reads your article up to the bottom of the page. That’s the only way for him to realize how awesome your ideas are. Reading a whole article is a sure fire sign that your reader enjoyed your post. But what exactly is a hook? The hook is the first line or sentence right after the headline. 

Sauce to Writing Compelling Content
Even if you did manage to write an engaging headline, the reader will still be abandoning your site if you fail to write a great hook. Well, the good news here is that the hook is usually really short. 
You write an awesome hook by describing the details of the problem that you want to solve. Don’t just identify the problem. That won’t work. What you have to do is to vividly explain and describe the problem. That way, the reader will be able to relate to the how frustrating the problem is. This will make the reader want to get to rad up to the bottom of your article. 

The four sections of a captivating blog post

The thing about blog posts is that the reader has to understand what you are talking about. With that, don’t write as if the people who’ll be reading are as knowledgeable as you. If that were the case and then he wouldn’t have bothered reading your post. Be aware that the reader is seeking a solution for his problem which is why he got interested in your article. That being said, you don’t just go on blabbering random things about your topic. It has to have a pattern. Here is the most used pattern for blog posts:

The problem

Let the reader know what the problem is about. Explain and describe it, bit by bit so that your reader is engaged. 

The cause of the problem 

Dig in deeper by telling your reader why the problem happened in the first place. 

The solution 

Begin telling your reader the secret to how they can keep the problem from happening again

Implementing the solution 

Well, it’s not just about the solution. It’s also about how the reader is going to make use of that solution. Explain bit by bit the step as to how the reader can implement your proposed solution.

| About the Guest Author:

Guest Author
William Bourn is one of the pillars of alongside his college peers. He functions as both writer and social media ambassador for their business. He occasionally makes podcasts for students and newbie bloggers to better their writing. William continuously practices corporate social responsibility by donating to various foundations.

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