4 Misconceptions You Need to Know About Internal Links

When you want to improve your site’s overall performance, the best method is using internal links. You use your website’s links and place them into specific web content that you want to boost. But even with the benefits it can give to a business’ website, some people think using internal links is a waste of time.

Instead, they would go for external links because it drives more traffic into their page, but that is not the case in most instances. You can find that internal linking is just as effective as external linking nowadays, and many websites are already using this technique. Many misconceptions are surrounding internal links that you need to know if you want to understand them better. 

Misconception #1: Never Link Your Own Websites Together

The most famous misconception that has been around for many years is that websites should never link their own websites together. Many SEO experts have found that there is nothing wrong with linking them as long as there are less than five websites and they are related. If your business does not have more than five websites, you can link them together without encountering serious problems. 

Misconception #2: Using Internal Links Is a Bad Practice

This is another misconception that you might have heard from people, which is not true. Only SEO specialists who do not have enough experience would believe that. Using internal links is beneficial because:

  • They assist search engines to find more pages on your website.
  • They assist users in finding more specific topics. 
  • Also, they assist search engines in recognizing the essential pages on your website.
  • They increase the dwell time of users on your website.

If you want to grab the most out of internal linking, you should follow several practices that experienced SEO experts would do, including:

  • Utilising a maximum of 7 to 8 internal links on each page.
  • Make the keyword natural-sounding whenever possible.
  • Avoid linking to the same page, but rather, try varying your links as much as possible.

Misconception #3: Off-Page SEO Is Essential Than on-Page SEO

Off-page SEO happens outside of the confines of a website, and examples of those are social media marketing, guest posting, and link building. In comparison, on-page SEO are configurations that you can place on a website for efficient visibility and usability. And the misconception that some believe is that off-page SEO is better for ranking purposes than on-page SEO. 

You should know that both on and off-page SEO are important, but on-page SEO is critical to delivering optimal results. When you create an SEO campaign, your main objective is to guarantee that you do the on-page SEO properly, so you will need to conduct an SEO Audit to recognise and fix problems in on-page SEO. 

Misconception #4: Guest Posting Is the Best Way to Acquire Links

One misconception surrounding the role of guest posting is that it is considered the best way to build incoming links. It may be the best way to build website trust, but not that abusing it can lead to sanctions. You need to understand that if the webmaster does not place the link naturally, it will not be considered valid by Google. 

Ensure that you never forget about these misconceptions about internal linking if you want to improve your website significantly. There are still many other misconceptions about internal links around the internet because SEO rules keep changing. Ensure you stay updated to avoid any confusion that could lead to your website going underwater. 

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