How Working with Affiliates Massively Improves Your Overall SEO Performance

It is common knowledge that e-commerce merchants absolutely must employ great SEO techniques if they want to earn good profits. As it stands, there are only two ways to attract traffic to your site- the paid way via AdWords or the freeway through organic SEO practices.

Great SEO has a lasting impact on your site’s reputation and visibility, with the results being evident for months after just a little initial effort is put in. There are several ways to strike a good SEO balance, but one of the sorely overlooked methods is to employ affiliate marketing. Here are some ways you can boost your SEO using an affiliate program.

Content Must Be Timeless

Any business owner looking to do SEO knows that he will have to produce content on a regular basis, and this is just as true for those who rely on affiliate networks. Your posts need to be content-rich and must stand the test of time. Uninformative, dull posts don’t get traction and are drowned out easily by the competition.

Good SEO always starts with content, and this is the most organic step since it only requires that you produce good content that is relevant to what you do. The big deal here is that content must be authoritative, which means that you should only produce content about things that lie within your field of expertise. 

Working with Affiliates Massively Improves Your Overall SEO Performance

The content you put should be something people wouldn’t find anywhere else; that is its entire draw. It must be unique and useful. The next deliverable is relevance; good content will still attract eyeballs a few years after it is put up. In a rapidly changing online landscape, especially in the tech domain, this is harder than ever, but it is specific to the industry and also the real yardstick for awesome content. These posts will boost your reputation year after year.

It’s All about Backlink Generation

While Google has become synonymous to navigating the web, statistics indicate that it is still unable to direct traffic to well over 90% of internet content. While the size and scale of the cyberspace is definitely a factor, people who do not point to their content through backlinks are not doing themselves any favors. Backlinks have been a staple tenet of SEO for years now and are likely to stick around for a while.

A network of top-notch backlinks from reputable sources is invaluable, and this is the real value that your affiliate partners bring to the table. It is quite literally their job description too; they market the products of others by linking back to them in the content that they produce. Each link pointing to your site will not only increase the chance of people landing up there but also, in general, improve the impression that Google and other search engines have about your website’s authority. This, of course, means higher rankings in the long run.

Also read: 10 Reasons to Weave Your Organic SEO and PPC Strategy Together

A worthy thing to agree upon when signing up for affiliation programs is that the call to action from the representatives should be more than a generic “click here for info” message; they should link your page with significant keywords to boost value. They should use the affiliate links only in their high ranking content; if they want to spread them in “low quality” areas like comment sections on public forums, it is best for them to use standard no-follow links that would not directly hit your site’s statistics.

You may consider using Google Search Console for managing your links. If you log into the Google Search Console, it would be providing you with an absolutely simple and easy way of examining precisely which sites are sending the maximum backlinks to you and even identify the best linking text that is related to this specific traffic. This certainly is a free and fantastic way of constantly keeping tabs on the condition of all your backlinks.

Leverage Social Media for Boosting Your SEO

The impact of the phenomenally popular social media platforms and the shares and likes are highly debatable aspects in the SEO circuit. We understand ostensibly that social networking activities are actually correlated with a definite boost in your SERP ranking. However, many critics argue that the increase seems to be a side effect of obtaining more backlinks when your content is constantly shared hundreds or even thousands of times.

But Hootsuite had actually conducted meticulous research and as per their findings, it was concluded that your rank could be boosted alone by effective social media activity irrespective of backlinks. It is difficult to resolve the debate but one thing is quite evident that if you effectively leverage the power of the powerful social media platforms that would certainly prove advantageous to your SEO irrespective of whether it’s causation or correlation. You must work and interact actively with all your affiliate reps for leveraging their individual social media channels as it could dramatically impact your overall SEO and your SERP ranking. Here are some effective tips.

# Encourage and motivate your affiliates to come up with fabulous content. 

You must focus on generating high-quality content for sharing. Moreover, you need to devote some quality time and some endeavors towards assisting your reps in generating incredibly fascinating content featuring your services or products. You must remember to request them to consider using your hashtag, tagging your business, listing you specifically in their YouTube channel or video keywords and incorporating a backlink in your post description.

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# Encourage your affiliates to repost or re-share your content.

As per, “A good piece of content shouldn’t be a one-and-done situation“. After all, a post today will only reach a fraction of any affiliate rep’s social circle. Remind them of, or help them schedule out, re-sharing, and reposting. Today, three days, a week, a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year.”

# Go on their vlog or podcast. 

Several social media influencers would be hesitant to inorganically link to or talk about your products. Before establishing a solid partnership with them, you may request an appearance on their vlog or podcast for discussing a topic that may effectively engage more of their followers. We know that this is a far more organic way of having a solid reason for linking back to your website and boost brand recognition.


You must encourage basic SEO. Suppose your affiliates are generating a phenomenal amount of content meant for you, it could be a wise idea to start an SEO boot camp for effectively helping them to properly understand the significance of descriptive alt text meant for pictures, title tags, ideal post length, and such other stuff. Your affiliates could be regarded as your outsourced marketing and promotion team. You have to help them in such a manner that they are able to help you fruitfully.

You must acknowledge and appreciate the fact that your company could exponentially boost your SEO simply by coordinating and interacting closely with all your affiliate reps that are known to operate their own social media channels and own websites. With clever use of quality content, backlinks, tag-teaming some of your best keywords, and social media, you certainly would be having a much better opportunity to rise to the pinnacle of Google than working all alone.

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Eva Vergis

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