How to Use SEO to Become an Effective Realtor

Search Engine Optimization or SEO refers to the process of optimizing your web page, so its ranking increases upon searching in Google or other search engines. If you wish to increase your ranking in a specific search engine, say, Google, then you have to familiarize yourself with both the latest trends and keywords related to the website you’re optimizing.

As a realtor, one of the key factors to effective marketing is learning how to develop your SEO skills. Nowadays, people use keywords in searching for content that they are interested in. Your responsibility as a realtor is to know these keywords while optimizing your SEO and your website.

Keywords come in all forms. Frequently, people will search for generic terms, like, for lease warehouse spaces. This search will lead them to hundreds and thousands of search results. However, if someone prefers to search more specifically to arrive in more accurate and specific results, they would opt to search for, for lease warehouse spaces in Kansas City. Now, this allows people to get better and more particular results. In this article, you can learn more about effective marketing and selling through search engine optimization.

How to Use SEO to Become an Effective Realtor

Familiarize Yourself with Keywords

As mentioned, keywords are an essential part of SEO. Knowing what keywords are usually being searched online can significantly help you in optimizing your web page. In the real estate industry, most people search for the following keywords:

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Go Down in Details

Yes, keywords are important. However, adding more specific details to your search or phrase is equally important. Some people don’t want to waste time scrolling through hundreds and thousands of search results; they only want to get things done with immediately. Keywords usually have two parts: the head keywords and the long tail ones. The long tail keywords are the ones that go deeper into detail, helping the searcher arrive in more particular and accurate results.

As a realtor, specify what you think potential clients will search for. Here are a few examples:

  • From “real estate property” to “real estate property best for families.”
  • From “houses for sale” to “houses for sale in Kansas City.”
  • From “condo units for lease” to “condo units for lease near me.”

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More prospects search for specific keywords lately; therefore, the longer tail keyword, the better.
Produce Interesting Content

Real estate websites or blogs typically have a reputation which produces boring content that no one bothers to read. But, you can definitely break this chain.

Start researching topics that spark the interest of your target market. Start looking for the latest trends, and you can even start adding memes to your blog articles. Producing exciting content means your readers or potential clients can engage and interact within your web page. Figure out new ways on how to increase not only your clients but also your web page visitors.

Make a Good First Impression Through Your Headlines

In today’s time, everyone lives in a 3-second world. How do you make a good impression within the first 2-3 seconds?

Kickstart with your headline. Make sure to formulate good and catchy article titles. Here’s a helpful formula from Placester:

Number or trigger word + adjective + keyword + promise = HEADLINE

You can start with a simple phrase like “Owning a Real Estate Home” then apply the formula mentioned above, and you can arrive with “Tips on How to Own a Real Estate Home Before You Reach 30.”

Monitor Your Website’s Load Speed

All your efforts will go down the drain if you don’t monitor your website’s loading speed. No SEO can save you if your page doesn’t load within 3-4 seconds, because chances are, potential clients will click out of your page and look for faster-loading web pages instead.

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Wrapping Up

Optimizing your website so your SEO increases its ranking requires a lot of effort and even research. However, if you’re determined to improve your visitor count and convert these web visitors into customers, then you can use the tips mentioned above. Becoming an effective realtor requires at least basic knowledge and skills in SEO, so it’s a plus if you know how to utilize your resources properly.

| About the Guest Author:

guest author

Edwin Deponte is a motivational writer who is also passionate about Social Marketing. He believes in others’ abilities and tends to bring out people’s hidden potentials through his words of inspirations and motivational articles.

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