How To Choose A Wedding Live Stream Company

Due to Covid 19 pandemic and its attendants’ requirements, many planned events were left off and the not-so-important among were foregone forever. But to forgo a wedding celebration forever will be akin to hurt and shame, the reason why most people took to live streaming their wedding celebration, and guess what? It is without constraint. 

Quick Peak 

Going live for a wedding celebration is not as easy as it sounds. Many things go into having a successful live-streamed wedding that matches the expectations of everyone present (virtually present) while technical glitches are subtly avoided. 

It is in this vein that I write this post to guide you on what ways to better your choice for a Wedding Live Stream Company

How To Choose A Wedding Live Stream Company 

Choosing The Right Platform

The first and foremost to have a successful live-streamed wedding is choosing the rightful platform. There are many platforms out there that will allow you for a meager sum of money, and an unlimited version of their platform. Such requirements are numbers of participants at a time, time frame for a session to run, accessibility, muting, and ease of joining the platform. 

All the above must first be considered before you choose one platform over another to be your wedding streaming company. 

Check Out Their Logistic Options 

One of the things that disrupt many love weddings is the technical issues cropping up. Most of us are not that tech-savvy and even still we would need extra helps sometimes. 

To avoid a situation whereby you’re been cutoff or your family members find it hard to join your wedding online, hire a company that offers the option of on-the-ground officiant(s). This personnel will be in charge of regulating the streaming platform. Allowing people in, attending to questions, muting, and unmuting people. Adding music and effects to the content and more still can act as an M.C directing the ceremony. 

Technical Assistance

One thing is for sure, we can’t predict the unpredictable. While using a streaming platform daily may not bring any issues. But due to a large number of people thronging in with no order to attend your live stream wedding, your most favorite streaming platform may encounter technical glitches and cut you off from your audience or disrupt the flow of events. To avoid these, ensure the company you are hiring for your live streaming are fully competent and are ready to have an officiant ready at the ground of the event to cater to any technical requirements, check how I made live stream my wedding


While it is easier to spread the info about your live streaming wedding by a few WhatsApp clicks, sharing invites to friends and family. It is best to have password-protected invites to avoid unnecessary gatecrashing which will ultimately result in disruption of the streaming platform. 

Ensure you discuss this with your live streaming company and have strict rules in place to follow. It is your day, you shouldn’t allow people undue interest to ruin your day. 

Why the company should be better informed of this is that they will be the one handling the validation of requests to join and those who are not on a predetermined list will be sent off. 


While all the above might matter more this issue of pricing matters the most. If by live streaming your wedding, you can’t still cut the cost off an actual wedding, then you should have a rethink. 

You must ensure the company fee is not way above your hand and they offer the best of service. 


To avoid mishaps, ensure you put everything into place and test run few things before the D-day or even earlier that said day. 

Also, you should ensure the company be able to save your wedding celebration in an online archive like YouTube for future reference. 

Have a great live streaming wedding day.

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