Black, White and Grey Hat SEO – Website Hacking Explained

In this modern world, SEO is one of the highly demanded sectors in IT industry and this particular sector offers plenty of job opportunities for both the fresher and experienced professionals. The entire IT industry is looking at the new developments and the trends in SEO because the changes happening in this area is unpredictable.

According to the changes in Google Algorithms, SEOs introduce new styles for getting high page ranks and traffic to their website. Hacking is one of the acceptable methods in SEO and it is a best approach to get High page ranks and searches.

What are Black, White and Grey Hat SEO?

Have you heard about black hat, white hat and grey hat? Are you able to distinguish these three most important technical terms? For an ordinary man, he just thinks about old cowboy movies and the dressing style and get up of the goodies and baddies in that movie. Goodies used to wear black hat and baddies prefer black hat to symbolize what the characters mind set and all.

Black, White and Grey Hat SEO

First we can consider black hat and white hat. In early childhood days, we got familiarize that black symbolizes negativism, bad thing or sorrow. At the same time, white denotes positivity, peace or something like that.

Black Hat SEO

Black hat means a set of people who used to attack websites and make changes in that site without the permission of the site admin or the responsible people. Black hat are bad guys and they hack main organization’s site, educational sites for stealing secret information.

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It collapses the entire security system and it is a threat to the cyber world. Due to these unethical approaches, developers place a better security system and strong passwords to ensure that the documents and data are safe.

Website Hacking Explained

White Hat SEO

A group of hackers are here and they break down websites with the permission of the site admin in case of emergency or if any problem occurs while attempting to operate the site in normal mode.They are so called white hat SEO.

Grey Hat SEO

Grey hat is somewhere similar to white hat. They use technically legal methods to improve their site ranking and they prefer this method for promotional purpose. This is a very effective method and experts give try on this for saving their precious time and they don’t want to simply sit in front of the system for link building or trying basic SEO strategies.

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We can do whatever after a detailed study, analyzing its possibilities and future scope. Of course, the thing lasts if you do it without harming anything or without breaking the Google rules.  

Also Read: Chase Reiner from has wrote an article with 100+ tips on White Hat SEO Techniques 2017.

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Guest Author

I am Larry Morales. Now I am dealing with my company’s essay writing service. I am a kind of person who wishes to touch the peak of success. I wish to communicate my own ideas and views with the readers all over the world.

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