5 Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Ranking Well

The difference between casting blame and looking for reasons why something isn’t working is the main difference between truly successful people and those who use luck as an excuse. One of the best examples where this can be seen is the rank of your blog. From an outsider’s perspective, it’s easy to say that your blog simply isn’t getting enough attention, or that an algorithm is somehow unfair to it. Yet, this definitely isn’t the whole story.

Deep down, every blogger knows that the ranking of their blog is in their own hands, which is great, seeing as how it means that there’s a way for you to improve it. To get there, however, you must first be able to diagnose the problem, and here are top five reasons why your blog isn’t ranking well.

Too competitive keywords

The greatest problem with finding the right keyword lies in the fact that it’s all about the balance. On the one hand, you want keywords that people are going to look for, but, then again, this also means competing with companies that have a far greater SEO investment than yours. In order to stand a chance at being discovered, you need to find a keyword that is closely related to the above-discussed competitive option, and still alter it, so that it becomes unique in its own way. Creating a suitable longtail keyword is the key to your success, but it is also not a simple thing to do. The most reliable way to get there (especially as someone without any prior experience) is to use keyword prospecting tools.

5 Reasons Your Blog Isn't Ranking Well

You still don’t have enough content

While this particular reason might be a bit too transparent, you’d be surprised just how unrealistic expectations of a young, ambitious entrepreneur can be. Sure, you might have a couple of high-quality posts uploaded so far, but the quality (although incredibly important) is not the only thing that matters. You also need reliable backlinks, and this takes time. For a great piece of content to live up to its potential (at least partially), it may take as much as six months. In other words, if your blog is no more than several weeks old, it’s preposterous to even ask why it isn’t ranking.

Also read: 3 Best SEO link building Techniques to boost your Site Ranking

You’re handling your digital marketing on your own

It’s incredibly easy to underestimate the difficulty of creating a proper digital marketing campaign. Moreover, SEO is one of its most complex and technical aspects, which is why it might be a bit outside of your league as a layman. Of course, you can do wonders for your digital marketing, even as a layman. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to compete with bloggers who employ services of professional SEO agencies. Luckily, in the hyper-connected world of 2018, you can seamlessly offshore these services to a region that offers better SEO ROI ratio. For instance, you can look for SEO services in Hong Kong, instead of restricting yourself to your own region and depending on your local experts.

Your content is not good enough

Now, a lot of bloggers take this a bit too personal. After all, admitting your content isn’t good enough isn’t something you can just brush off. Actually, writing (creative or copywriting) is a skill, and a skill can be practiced and perfected. Most people assume style to be the greatest obstacle with writing. Nevertheless, themes and storytelling techniques are often much bigger issues. Luckily, this is the part that can be improved quite easily. Also, there’s nothing wrong with hiring a ghostwriter or finding several contributors to help you out.

You’ve ignored the on-site optimization

Finally, the most probable issue why your blog is ranking poorly is due to the fact that you’ve neglected the on-site optimization. Without proper tags and meta descriptions, Google bots will have a much harder job at crawling your website. Needless to say, this will only delay the time of it being indexed. This can also be helped by properly structuring your website’s navigation, as well as marking those pages that aren’t ready as ‘noindex’. Overall, your on-site optimization is equally as important (if not even more important), as the off-site side of your SEO and neglecting it is a grievous offense that is bound to come back to haunt you.

Also read: Top 5 Tools to Boost Website Rankings in 2019


At the end of the day, by addressing just these five issues, you stand to drastically improve the ranking of your blog. Apart from the quantity of content, each of these improvements gives your blog a more-or-less immediate boost, which is both a motivator and an indicator that you’re on the right path.

| About the Guest Author:

Guest Author
Nate Vickery – Executive Editor at http://bizzmarkblog.com/ Consultant & Author 

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