Why You Should Not Talk About Your Case on Social Media?

Since its inception in the early 2000s, social media has connected the world across the globe. In fact, since 2019, 3.5 billion people are social media users worldwide, and this number is only getting bigger. While beneficial, social media can be detrimental to your life if you overshare some facts. For personal injury law, sharing the details of your personal injury case can diminish the value of your claim. Here are some additional reasons why you should avoid posting about your personal injury case on social media:

Your Posts Can Be Used Against You

Insurance adjusters and companies aren’t there to help you, so it comes as no surprise if they look at your social posts and use them against you. Evidence is customary for lawsuits, so if you post something about your case that contradicts your claim in the slightest, they will use that against you. 

 For example, if you were hurt in an accident, but post about going on vacation, defense attorneys and insurance companies will claim your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim them to be. It’s necessary you avoid this as much as possible. 

Be Careful of Comments

 While the post itself can be risky, so can comments on the post. Friends may comment asking about the case or if you’re doing okay following the collision. Refrain from responding since that may severely danger the authority of the case. You could comment saying “I’m fine,” and the insurance company may take that as you’re not being injured. Messages can be misunderstood, so it’s best to avoid these situations. Overall, it’s best to stay off the public message boards and message these friends privately or call them over the phone directly.  

Tips to Stay Protected

So the question remains: How do you stay protected during your case? In short, here are five ways you and your social media can stay protected from insurance companies and others. 

  • Delete or deactivate your accounts.
  • For a less drastic option, go private.
  • Assume every post will be viewed by the insurance company or the defense attorney. 
  • Avoid being tagged in posts that are posted by friends, significant others, or mutual friends.
  • Avoid being involved in online discussions, forums, message boards, or comment sections.

Being cautious online is a surefire way to keep you protected from defense attorneys and insurance companies. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your case. Just be aware some judges require their social media information to be turned over during the duration of the case.

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