WordPress setup tips for professional lawyers, Attorneys and Law Firms

So you’ve been told you should start a blog. Everyone’s got one these days, right? Whether it’s strictly for SEO purposes or because you are motivated to share your wealth of professional knowledge, blogging is a great idea for professionals of all kinds.

As a Suffolk County criminal defense lawyer, my extensive legal experience means I often have a unique take on justice in America and in New York, where I work. I love discussing the issues of the day, both with other attorneys and laypeople. My blog mainly serves to share information with the general public – reducing co [facebook]mplex legal jargon into digestible bites of useful information for everyday people and WordPress has been choice of platform. But for professionals, WordPress is more than just a blog-hosting site. In case, you don’t have time, you can check lawyer adverting company here. Here are my 3 WordPress tips for lawyers and other professionals.

WordPress tips for professional lawyers

Wordpress tips for lawyers and professionals

1. Always include a Call to Action

Don’t forget that amid all the information about yourself and your work, you include a distinct call to action. What is a call to action? It’s what makes the user do what you want to them to do. Case in point, if you are a physician and you want to encourage visitors to make appointments, nothing does a better job than a great call to action button titled “Make Appointment” placed prominently on your WordPress site.

Also read: Everything you need to know about WordPress Migration

2. Promote your email list

Use plugins to create an email catching sign up form and promote it on your site. This is especially important for professionals, as your email list is a great way to drive traffic to your blog and create awareness of your service in the back of the minds of your subscribers. Email is the best form of marketing there is and integrating such a plugin is very simple with WordPress.

3. Find the right theme

The easiest way to get started with WordPress is to choose a theme. These themes are essentially packs of skins and plugins that provide the basic look and feel of your website. In choosing a theme for your professional page, ensure that it captures a clean, professional aesthetic and that it’s easy to use. If you’re unfamiliar with HTML or other coding languages, many WordPress themes include the Visual Composer plugin, a neat way to edit your pages without needing to rely on code.

Wordpress tips for lawyers, Attorneys and Law Firms


Setting up a WordPress site is an easy way for any professional to achieve a great looking website that represents their business or practice. With a strong call to action, successful promotion of an email list and the right theme, any professional can create a great WordPress site.

Also read: Essential Guide: 6 Steps to Start WordPress Blog in Just Minutes

| About the Guest Author:

Guest author
Matthew Tuohy is a New York criminal lawyer based in Huntington, NY. Voted one of the top 100 trial lawyers in America by The National Trial Lawyers Association, he currently lives on Long Island where specializes in criminal defense.

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