7 Strategies For Getting Quality Backlinks To Your Website

Backlinks are undoubtedly the foundation of the SEO strategy for any website. You cannot ignore the quality of backlinks because it determines the traffic that comes to your site, which has a direct impact on your search rankings. Further, you can even boost your conversion and sales if you are able to get qualified traffic from niche-relevant links.

All in all, investing efforts in getting quality backlinks to your website becomes essential for improving your rankings, traffic, reputation and brand visibility across the internet. Even though quality backlinking can be challenging, but you can make it simpler by following some smart strategies. Let us list a few that can help.

1. Write guest posts

Perhaps the most effective way of getting links from high authority sites is by guest posting. You need to start by identifying niche-relevant, high DA guest blogging sites that accept content and generate backlinks in return. These websites usually have stringent guidelines, which mean that your content has to be top-notch. The best thing about this strategy is that it gets you qualified traffic that has a high likelihood of conversion and propagates your brand as well.

 Strategies For Getting Quality Backlinks To Your Website

2. Post press releases

Press Releases make another good initiative to enable quality backlinking for your website. When you are able to post content on a PR site, it can fetch you a number of quality links because press releases are usually picked up by other news sites as well. That means better results and greater exposure with lesser work done. However, it is necessary that you have informative and share-worthy content with a link to your site within its body.

Also read: Ways to Gain Backlinks to Local SEO Landing Pages

3. Publish infographics

It is a proven fact that building backlinks the right way is a must and equally important is to be creative and innovative. Publishing infographics and sharing it across infographic directories is a great method for quality backlinking because readers love them and want to share them as well. They get you traffic from everywhere- your website, directories and social media too. Even if you have to make an extra effort on designing them, the result they get is worthwhile.

4. Outreach and promote

Having great content on the internet is not enough until people know that it is there. You need to outreach, connect with your target audience and promote your content. The objective should be to get them interested enough to drive social sharing. You can even connect with niche influencers and convince them to share your content to extend your reach. A backlink from an internet influencer can do magic for your business and its reputation.

Also read: How to Build Backlinks for Your E-Commerce Website In 2019

5. Network online

Networking is the lifeline of business, whether you sell through a brick-or-mortar setup or have an online website. It is all the more important for online businesses because they have such an extensive landscape. It helps you in quality backlinking as well because you can do favors to others and get some in return. However, be careful not to do too much reciprocal linking as Google may not be really impressed.

6. Stick with your niche

Though networking is a smart approach when it comes to link building but it has to be done with discretion. The key is to stick with your business niche for getting quality links. For example, if you are selling web development services, a backlink from a beauty blog can cause Google to penalize you. Also, you cannot expect qualified traffic from a site that is not relevant to the niche of your business. Such backlinks will not, therefore, be of any benefit even if they are of good quality.

7. Broken link-building

An unconventional yet effective measure for getting quality backlinks is broken link building. It involves identifying the broken links and 404 errors on the websites of others and informing them about these. In return, they may give you a backlink and mention you as a resource that helped them to replace broken links. A little effort and you get a quality link from an authoritative website!

Also read: How To Get Maximum Backlinks To Your Blog

Link building is more complex than you may think because it involves more than just creating random backlinks wherever you can. Instead, the best approach is to focus on their quality rather than volume because that is what really has the potential of getting results. Therefore, it is best to have a proper link building strategy that extends beyond conventional techniques such as directory listings, article posting and commenting. You need to get smarter with the clever strategies that bring tangible results with fewer efforts.

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Rohani Egbert 

Categories SEO

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