SEO vs. PPC: When to Use Which Search Marketing Method for Maximum Profit

With Millennials and Gen Z, the local market is not the trend anymore. Searching online for the services or products you’re looking for is the new marketplace at everyone’s reach.

There’s no doubt that digital marketing is usable for prospects along with businesses. You can not only buy a mattress while sitting at your home, but you can also sell a mattress while sitting at your home; or any service likewise.

But the question that arises with this privilege is: ”How do I get people to buy my product?” 

Right Marketing Strategy:

Digital marketing consists of mainly two planned strategies; SEO and PPC. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and PPC is for Pay-Per-Click. 

Both these strategies are valuable if used and integrated into a plan with the right concept. But which one suits you the most? 

Choosing the right approach depends on your business plan, goals, and prospects. What is your business about? Who is your audience? And what do you want from them (Call-to-actions)? 

Deciding if you want more organic or paid traffic to your website can help you understand if you’re looking for SEO or PPC.

However, PPC or SEO both deliver guaranteed potential buyers to your website. Ultimately, both strategies have the same goal yet different approaches. 

We will explore each in detail, so you can use these two strategies together to maximize the result. Today, we’ll discuss Jurisdigital and how to use them resourcefully.

What is SEO

SEO is a group of techniques that helps your page get a visible spot on Google’s search engine result page. SEO includes; keyword integration, addressing people’s concerns, internal links, backlinks, and more.

These factors should align with Google’s ranking factors; to appear higher on SERP. You ask why we are targeting Google audiences only. According to recent stats, Google processes  8.5 billion searches every day, and targeting its factors will likely mean targeting potential consumers.

Let’s dig deep for the pros and cons of SEO to get better insight into when to use it. 


Beginning this list with the pros of SEO first.

  • ROI: SEO is neither expensive nor entirely free. You have to pay for the freelancers, agency, or SEO tools, but it certainly has better ROI.

You don’t have to pay for each click, like PPC. Organic search results have better click-through rates (CTR) with a minimum amount involved at the beginning (and lots of brainstorming), which can lead to a stable flow of organic traffic.

  • Visibility: However tough to rank high in search results, visibility in search engines using your targeted keywords can introduce your brand to proper exposure.

Using your case studies, blog posts, and CTAs to drive traffic at each marketing stage, you can get that high rank in Google SERP: which means organic traffic coming for a very long time, and that’s for free.  

  • Sustainability: It means that, unlike PPC, you won’t stop getting traffic once your marketing budget dries up. Instead, the only thing required is to keep optimizing your content.

SEO takes time to give out results, but once you get a hold of this, you can get a sustainable brand awareness strategy right there!

  • Credibility: The most crucial goal of digital marketing is to develop trust. You want your prospects to trust your brand and believe you’re an expert in the given niche.

Google ranks those websites higher that seem helpful and relevant to the audience. Seems like a win-win situation here.


All that glitters is not gold. Similarly, there are also downsides to SEO:

  • Algorithm: One thing that bothers most businesses is the changing algorithm of Google search results. This includes paying attention to the change in trends, what to integrate, and what to avoid during optimization.

Google crawls through your website and ranks according to its relevance to the audience.

  • Expertise: Link-building is one of the oldest methods to gain a higher ranking. These inbound links should be natural; otherwise, you can get a penalty and disruption in brand reputation. 

Therefore, getting a safe and sustainable backlink requires expert skills- or a crash course to commit to.

  • Pre-Purchase Traffic: Traffic only targeted for research and queries is significant but converting them into leads is a more focused approach. 

This means spending your energy and mind nurturing this audience into purchasing your services, which can be something to deal with.

  • Competitors: While you’re working on your website SEO, your competitors are, too.

You can be outplayed through target keywords. Some keywords are mainly dominated by business giants leaving little to no space for other businesses to thrive.

What is PPC

PPC is another marketing tactic where you bid to get your ad to appear on the search page of related keywords. You get exposure to your target audience quickly without getting to work for SERP. 


Some pros of PPC that drives brands towards this marketing approach are;

  • Position: Higher ranking doesn’t mean anything here. When you go for PPC, your ad will show above the organic search results. 
  • Visual Product Ads: Google introduces an attractive feature of visual product ads where the audience can see what product you’re offering. This feature gives you an edge over organic search results.
  • Target Audience: Using target keywords, geography, time of the day, or day of the week: you can target your specific audience far more precisely than any other marketing tactic.
  • Immediate Results with A/B testing: A PPC campaign can be set up in a day and running within a week, and the results begin to flow in the net hour or so. 

You can even get two advertisements running and compare which one has better engagement rates to determine your next strategy.


Looking at the cons of PPC, to begin with, the SEO and PPC comparison.

  • Expensive: As we knew before, you have a limited budget for ad campaigns. And once this budget dries up, the flow of traffic seizes. Hence, PPC requires constant investments. 
  • Easy to copy: Your competitors can target the exact keywords or audience. Your messaging can be imitated well as your entire campaign. 
  • Lower ROI: Not everyone is a fan of ads. With repetitive keywords and messages, many users tend to skip the ads. 

It brings profit but not in the long run. Thus, PPC has a lower ROI than SEO.


SEO and PPC are great tools that can be used in different circumstances. You can use SEO if;

  1. You want to build brand authority
  2. You desire consistent results
  3. The marketing budget is low
  4. Beat competitors in organic search

And use PPC if;

  1. You’re new, and your website isn’t designed for SEO yet.
  2. You require immediate results.
  3. A time-sensitive offer
  4. Need to narrow down your target audience.


You don’t have to choose between the two. We suggest you use both tactics to get the most out of online marketing. 

  • You can use data from PPC ads such as most searched keywords, most engaging CTAs, or keywords density and use them in SEO practices accordingly.
  • A user visited your page without buying anything? You can recapture that user’s interest by remarketing your products.
  • High in organic search? Get a boost and rank higher by promoting your website on social media.
  • Keyword optimization of a webpage and getting a PPC campaign around the duplicate high-volume keywords to rank your website higher on the first page. 
  • You can test your keywords on PPC. High-priced but low-converting keywords can be adjusted to your organic page.

These tactics and seeking the right audience can affect a website’s brand awareness and organic traffic. SEO and PPC go hand in hand with each other for great results.

Mistakes to avoid in SEO and PPC

Nonetheless, every marketing strategy needs to be closely evaluated. Assure there are no hidden backlinks or dodgy content; that can harm your website’s authority. 

Similarly, using too many keywords or keywords can be a killer of your SEO strategy.

For PPC, use target keywords and not generic ones. Don’t try to target every channel. 

Not every channel will be profitable for each business. These ads require investments, and as long as you don’t mind getting bankrupt, you can try each channel for your campaign.

Final Thoughts

Keep the KPIs of your business in mind before deciding on a marketing strategy. With Internet marketing, brands can showcase and sell their products online. 

While SEO is good in the long run, you can boost your marketing by applying a strategic PPC plan. Asses the position of your business and evaluate which one is better at the moment; PPC or SEO.

Organic and paid traffic can be a powerful tool for your business to increase brand awareness and sales. 

With the perfect integration and plan, you can grab a new bunch of attention and get outstanding results.

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