How to Stop Your Dog from Growling at Strangers

Pets can be delightful and loving companions. Yet sometimes, your dog’s instincts will tell them that it would be best to protect you by growling at strangers. This is a normal reaction, but one that can be corrected. Dogs are always alert to new stimuli, and some breeds are just more protective than others. Socialization is an ongoing process for both humans and animals, but there are some tips you can follow to help your dog feel more comfortable, and one of them is to look for dog behavior training in LA. Here are some of the ways to stop your dog from growling at strangers.

How Dogs React To Strangers

Dogs are naturally territorial animals who are programmed to protect their territory against anyone they view as a threat. Because of this natural disposition, dogs do not like strangers hanging around their homes. If your dog starts growling at strangers, it is because there is something that they find threatening about them. It’s important to note that a dog’s reaction can vary from dog to dog just as a person’s reaction also varies from person to person.

Don’t Punish For Growling

The first step in training your dog is to get the services of best training center Sally Said So. You want to discourage their behavior without getting rid of the instinct to protect their owner, so make sure you don’t do anything threatening or aggressive. Reward them when they’re quiet and only give attention when they’re calm and obedient around other people.

It’s best if you take your dog aside and remove them from the situation if they’re growling. Gently take them by their collar and walk away from the person, then reward your pet for showing restraint. When your dog is behaving well, tell them that you’re proud of their behavior.

Encourage Socialization

Encourage socialization by taking your dog with you on errands or on walks through your neighborhood. Give them treats or praise when they’re interacting positively with other people and their pets. You can also try introducing them to smaller animals, like kittens or puppies.

If you’re uneasy about taking your dog into public places, visit your local dog park for some low-key socialization. Most dogs are pretty cool about meeting new people there. If you don’t have a dog park near you, locate the nearest off-leash dog park and bring your pup there for visits.

Establish Authority

If your dog thinks that you’re easily intimidated or doesn’t respect your authority, they will not be inclined to listen to you when strangers are present. So, make sure that you act confidently and assertively when around other people so that your dog learns who the boss is.

Establish this by always using the same command in the same tone of voice whenever you tell them to do something. Make sure that they understand that you are to be listened to at all times. This is important because puppyish behavior is cute, but it’s best if your dog grows out of this phase quickly.

Stay Calm

Your dog will always growl at strangers when they sense that you’re frightened. They know that an upset, nervous owner is a flight risk, which is why they will take this personally and become defensive themselves. As the owner, you must maintain your composure and avoid yelling or punishing them, because this can only make matters worse.

Don’t make any sudden, fast movements. If your dog gets excited by strangers, they’ll feel the need to protect you. This will only throw off your dog’s mood, and they will growl more aggressively at the visitors.

Exposure To Strangers Is Essential

The more your pet is around strangers, the more comfortable they will become with them. The key is to not overwhelm them with new people at first. So you should begin by introducing a single person, then slowly add new people one at a time. You can also slowly introduce other animals into your pet’s life.

This process is called desensitization, and it is about helping your pet become accustomed to new situations and new people, so they stop being so cautious around them. If you introduce a stranger to them slowly, they will not react defensively.  This way, your pet can become accustomed to people walking around their territory and they won’t feel as threatened in the future.

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