It’s a famous saying that –

“The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of google search.”
Yes, it is quite funny but this is the ultimate truth of today’s search optimization technique. Every website owners and business owner dreams of getting number ONE rank on the Google search page.

People do their level best to reach that goal, and the reasons are very clear: touching that high rank and that top spot would let your business ahead of all other competitors.

Unfortunately, that top spot rarely happens by chance. You won’t even believe that even highly skilled and knowledgeable business men, marketers are struggling to achieve that top spot.

Have you ever thought why it’s clumsy to get that?
This is because today it is not about just how to get the traffic, moreover it’s about how to get the targeted and relevant traffic.

Being in a highly competitive environment of big startups and businesses, how can a regular business owner or an emerging startup can touch that height or I would rather say a boundary?

So, here are some tips and techniques, which you should implement to uplift their business to crack this barrier.


1: Walk through window —

As you know, that Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.

So, here comes a window for you. If you want to get that top spot for you company on the search page, try putting information which people like. This can be done by looking at the “Queries” report. Keep an eye on how the things are going.

Get link with the Google Analytics report, what all things are there which you can make use of.

2: Be Filtered and realistic —

People keep giving random keywords and Google pops up that results accordingly.

Here targeting the keywords is the major task. Anyone can occupy rank 1 if they target the right keywords. Use tools like Google’s keyword planner or to have a look on relevant keywords.

So, one thing which we can point out that we are looking for those random phrases which are already rank in Google, but could use improvement.

Here, addition of advanced filter option can give a spark in the upliftment of the ranking. Advanced filter to just find the phrases for which we can be ranked high.

3: Optimization of keywords —

Once you have chosen some filtered, realistic keywords, now use them at tickling places.

By this what I mean to say is, try to frame these keywords in your URL, title tag, headings, etc.

Add these to your content part also, while implementing things you should be careful so that it shouldn’t make your content redundant. Use of keyword optimization can really help you in building a strong and uplifted base for your business or website.

google search Optimization

4: Put plenty of water

By this I mean add tons and tons of content to your website. According to the CMI (Content Marketing Institute), almost 88% of B2B companies now use content marketing as a part to add extra feature to their strategy in the marketing field. It consists of variety of contents like blog posts, webinars, newsletters, information graphics, videos and many more. These are some tools to attract relevant and potential customers.

You should keep on adding new contents or updates to your website at regular intervals. This creates a bond between the people and you. Don’t add any unnecessary contents, or any meaningless things to your site just for the sake of the traffic.

Avoid putting duplicate content to your page, it leaves bad impression on the traffic.

Always remember we want relevant traffic which will help us in boosting the ranking of or page in the Google search engine.

Know: Reasons Your Blog Isn’t Ranking Well

5: Give connectivity

Linking plays a major role in almost all sector of business, services or startups. Here also it plays a very crucial role in terms of Search Engine Optimization.

According to the SERF (Search Engine Ranking Factors) report, they disclosed that one of the important parameters for boosting and getting higher ranks is through inbounded links.

These are the key features and places where we should focus our concern to achieve the target. Give you site connectivity to other business local directories and review sites.

6: Provide an attractive view to your website

Make your website eye catchy and attractive. This can be done by adding appropriate and clear images to tell about your services and product.

Use of different font sizes and styles make navigation to your website very easily which is liked by many people.

Give all best possible way to convey the message you want in the best possible manner, either with the help of graphics or text.

As Google has a feature that they keep updating their spamming techniques and schemes, so all those serious digital marketing people need to have a careful look.

So, these are some strategies which if implemented smartly can really help you out in hitting that target of rank 1 in Google.

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