How to Find Long-Lost Relatives

There are a number of reasons that you may want to find long-lost relatives, but it can be confusing to know how to do so. How difficult it will be to reconnect with your family member will depend on several factors, including how much information about them you currently have access to. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources available both on and offline that are designed to help people looking to find members of their families. If there’s someone you’re hoping to get in touch with, read on to learn more about how to find long-lost relatives.

How can you find long-lost relatives?

There are many tools that can help you look a person up, but it may take some effort depending on what information you already have. Online people finders and public records databases are a great option. Just input the details that you have available into the search box and see what else you’re able to come up with. You can often find information like the person’s full name, phone number, date of birth, cellphone or landline number, and even their current address. How much you’re able to find will depend on what you know that can narrow down your search and how many public records are available related to the person you’re searching for.

If you’re lacking in even the most basic information to begin your search, you should start by interviewing friends and family who may have more information. If anyone you know is still in contact with the person you’re searching for, that’s an obvious place to start. Family members who have older information can still be helpful though, particularly if they can provide you with information on places they may have lived or jobs they previously had. Knowing where a person worked can help you track them down through the use of trade organization databases.

Social media can also be incredibly useful if you need to track someone down. You can even find stories about siblings who were reunited through Facebook. LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can also help you find information on various family members or loved ones, even those you may have lost contact with a long time ago. Finding your family member’s profile can be difficult, but you may be able to learn more by finding other members of the family.

What should you consider before reaching out to a family member?


Even if you find your family member or a way to get in touch with them, it’s important to consider that they may not be open to being contacted. In situations like closed adoptions, families may not want to be found, and reaching out could cause some tension. You may be ready to start a relationship or reconnect, but that doesn’t mean the other person is at that stage yet. Be conscious of the fact that hearing for you might shock them. It’s smart to start with a message and see how they respond.

It may be a good idea to consider talking to a therapist before contacting or meeting with a family member who you have never met or haven’t seen in a long time. This will give you a space to get in touch with and discuss your feelings before moving forward. If you get in contact with them, your therapist can also help you process the experience, whether it ends up being positive or negative.

Online search engines and databases have made it easier for people to find information about friends and family members that they want to get back in touch with. It can be more difficult to get results if you don’t have a lot of personal details, so it may be worthwhile to talk to the rest of your family first to see what you can find out. Social media is another great way to reconnect. No matter how you choose to try and get back in touch, it’s important to think carefully about how the person may respond. Finding a long-lost family member can be difficult logistically and emotionally, but you should never feel like you have to go through the process without help.

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