How Efficient Is Learning Business Data Analytics In Microsoft Excel?

Data analytics is an essential process in business today. It entails examining and analyzing data sets gathered by a company to draw helpful insights. This helps a firm make better decisions, improve work efficiency, monitor customers, enhance the quality of products, etc.

However, if not done accurately, data analytics can come with adverse effects. For instance, it can affect alignment within teams, cause privacy concerns, lead to complexity and bias. It is vital that business people learn business data analytics to avoid its limitations.

And one efficient way to learn this is using the Microsoft Excel program. This powerful and easy-to-access program is widely used for business data analytics today. But the question is, how efficient is Excel for learners? The rest of this article will help answer this question.

Continue reading for better understanding.

Why Learn Business Data Analytics in Excel?

The first question that may come to your mind is whether Excel is the most intelligent tool for data analytics. You might be wondering why not use other powerful tools like Power BI or Tableau. Well, this article aims at helping a complete novice get started with predictive data analytics.

Microsoft Excel is one of the most innovative, efficient, and robust data analytics tools available. It’s also a relatively easy-to-learn program that you can get started with today. All you need to do is learn simple aspects like how to use the SUMIFS function.

The SUMIF function is popular in the business analytics world. Data analysts use it to add up values in cells that add up to a specific number. You can SUMIF multiple columns to ensure you combine the data you need, especially from large data sets, and make it easy to draw insights.

Becoming a pro user of Excel and the SUMIFS function takes time. You need to know basic steps like developing SUMIFS multiple columns. It is possible to learn all that within the Microsoft Excel function. All you need is to get started with the help of guides like this one.

You can also find guides and tutorials that explain how to use basic SUMIFS multiple columns. You’ll become proficient in SUMIFs and Excel with such guides and tutorials. This will not only benefit you as a business owner. Employers look for this crucial skill in potential job candidates.

In short, this is a skill that will also help you grow as a data analyst. It will expand your career opportunities and make it easy to bargain for a higher salary. There’s no denying that Excel might do more than you initially thought. It helps data analysts save time and ensure accuracy.

Data Analysis Features Offered By Microsoft Excel

 Business Data Analytics

Source: Pixabay

This section looks at why learning and using Microsoft Excel for data analytics is vital. The main reason to consider this powerful tool is because of the features it provides. It has features that aim at helping you do accurate business data analytics and accomplish your goals with ease.

Here are some of these features:

  • Sorting – Excel can help you sort your data almost effortlessly. It has functions that help sort data according to the user’s needs. For instance, you can sort your business data in ascending or descending order or using your most preferred way.
  • Filtering – Data filtering into various subsets can be easy to implement. You can use Excel to choose the criteria you want to filter data with, and the program will do the rest. This is easy to do in Excel, and it is one of the most practical ways to view data.
  • Charting and Tables – Data presentation is also an essential part of analytics. Using charts and tables is among the best ways to present data easily. It can help you draw critical insights from this data and get the desired results.
  • Analysis Toolpak – Various tools within the Excel program can make your analytics work feel seamless. There are tools for statistical tests, including ANOVA, t-Test, z-Test, etc. Other tools can help you do Fourier analysis, regression, sampling, etc. 
  • Solver – Excel has features designed to make problem-solving that eventually makes data analysis possible. This is where tools like the SUMIFS function prove helpful as they help combine the data first. Then solver helps find the best answers to make the data more useful.

Getting Started With Learning Microsoft Excel For Data Analytics

We’ve already mentioned that you can learn Excel from beginner to advanced level. You only need to get started with the features available within the program. Various elements can make starting with the basics and advancing to more complex levels efficient.

It’s worth mentioning that other factors can help you learn this better. For instance, the course you choose and your instructor will play critical roles in ensuring you get the best result. As a beginner, you need to make a few decisions before settling on a course or instructor.

Look at the credibility of both the course and the instructor to avoid getting scammed. Also, check the curriculum to ensure it is as comprehensive as possible. Last but not least, ensure that the institution has designed the course for your skill level.

As a beginner, you need a course that will provide the basic knowledge to get you started. It should, for instance, look at the basics of the SUMIF function. This includes teaching you to use essential SUMIFS multiple columns to get accurate analysis and predictions. That will provide the foundation you need to grow.


Business data analytics plays a crucial role in how a business runs. It is helping firms that couldn’t compete well in the past perform better in today’s market. You can use Microsoft Excel to get well-versed with data analytics and use it for predictive data analysis.

Learning data analytics in Excel will introduce you to a wide range of formulas. As said earlier, the Excel SUMIF function is among those you’ll use for data analytics. You can use Exel and this function to SUMIF multiple columns and create accurate analytics reports for your company.

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