7 Steps To Increase The Speed Of Your Website In 2019!

Websites are the most compelling medium to spread the right and logical information across the globe with the help of graphical representation, images, videos, and other sources. Without being directly lead to information, Let’s take a back step to acknowledge website loading time.

The Loading time of a website decides the interest of the visitor known as “Critical period”, therefore they choose whether to stay or switch to another website. The quicker the website opens it gradually builds the interest of the visitors. Earlier the speed of the website pages doesn’t have a strong influence on the ranking but, since July 2018, this parameter has been taken into account. Websites that load very slowly can easily be sanctioned. After all, such response affects users with a negative experience.

So, Before choosing any SEO Services company one should keep in mind these factors prominent for your website. Studies have shown that 96% of visitors switch to another website if it is not loaded within the first 5 seconds. To, make your website more interesting here, we will be discussing some fascinating steps to increase the speed of your website:

7 Steps To Increase The Speed Of Your Website In 2019!


Too big pictures can slow down the speed of the website. It is very important to adapt the size of the image files and make it optimal. The same applies to other graphic materials like logos, graphics, etc. Nowadays, you can reduce the size of the picture without losing its quality. All you need to do is – choose the appropriate tools to compress the size.


Sometimes, due to inexperience, developers upload a plugin to implement a single hint. But these plugins make the website heavy and due to which the speed gets reduced. To fix this problem, it is necessary to analyze the website code and remove plugins that are not used. Instead of plug-ins, you can use CSS to implement a single hint.


This will not generate multiple queries to the database when opening the page. For example, you have an e-commerce store and prices are updated once a year. If you save pricing information in a static type file and configure it to update automatically every year, you will not need to perform complex server calculations each time to derive the price for each thermos. You can configure caching options using the .htaccess file.


A geographically distributed group of servers which collaborates to work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content in the content delivery network (CDN). It quickly allows the transfer of assets likewise uploading content, including images, HTML pages, videos, stylesheets, and javascript files. The popularity of this service will continue to grow, thus induces the majority of web traffic from major websites like Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon.

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CDN may also help you to protect your websites against some common attacks, such as Distributed Denial of Service attacks.


This advice is from a number of obvious ones, but still, it is worth focusing on it. A change of hosting can affect both the best and the worse regarding website conversion. If the online website is popular, with a lot of traffic, then it is definitely not worth risking placing a website on a cheap host. These undesirable options include GoDaddy, Bluehost, HostGator.


The browser has the opportunity to start drawing the page even before running all the scripts as they cannot be executed quickly. While loading scripts like JavaScript and CSS are located in the head of an HTML file, they render everything from the body. we might see an unnecessary delay because of script slows down to respond, the browser waits before rendering the rest of the page. So, the better idea is to enable the asynchronous loading for JS & CSS.


Minimizing files mean eliminating all unnecessary codes. Good practice in programming and web development is to follow certain rules that streamline the code and make it more readable. However, the work page code does not need line breaks, comments, and spaces. All this can be removed to reduce the weight of the files. There are free online tools that can help with this. Do not forget to save a copy of the website with a formatted code in case of problems or as a backup.


If you significantly increase the loading speed of the website, then very soon it will be possible to observe the first results. The number of visits to an optimized web resource by search robots will increase. This means that pages will be indexed faster. The above-mentioned tips will help you in this case.

| About the Guest Author:

Guest Author
Morris Edwards is a professionally trained Senior Web Developer and also a Writer. He works in Awebstar-A Web Designing Company in Singapore, as professional content writer and Developer. He spends most of his time around the books and is keenly interested in revising the thing and is comfortable with all the upcoming Gadgets. We call him mobile Wikipedia.

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