5 Signs Your Baby Needs a Different Formula

Although all baby formulas sold in the U.S. meet federal standards for nutrients, the ingredients in different types of formulas can vary. Due to this, some babies might not completely tolerate some brands and will have adverse reactions.

If you have recently noticed some changes in your formula-fed baby, it might be time to try and transition to a new formula. Keep reading to find some of the top signs to watch for that might indicate a switch is necessary. If you are concerned about making the right decision, speak with your pediatrician. They may suggest an organic product such as HiPP Formula. Organic baby products are without corn syrup, GMOs, and chemicals.

Signs Your Baby Isn’t Tolerating Their Formula

After you have chosen a baby formula, there might be an experimental period ahead. Your child may initially tolerate the product, but eventually, something changes, which may necessitate a change. Before you decide to switch to a different formula, you should first check if it’s working well for your infant. Check for these signs that it may be time for a formula change.

1. Excessive Fussiness

Although being a bit irritable is a normal trait for babies, it can also be caused by being hungry or unsatisfied. Being a bit irritable can indicate that your baby’s body is hurting. Certain ingredients in some formulas can cause your baby to be in pain.

2. Diarrhea and Gas

Your baby’s digestive system is still developing, and it will continue to be exposed to new things. Their poop can also change when they get sick or stressed. If you notice that your baby has frequent watery bowel movements or constant diarrhea, especially after eating, then it’s time to switch to a different formula.

Along with diarrhea, your baby may be experiencing excessive gassiness after eating. This is an indication your baby’s current formula isn’t agreeing with their stomach. The gas may also be accompanied by a firm belly and abdominal bloating. If this is the case, you should consult with your pediatrician to see if there are any possible solutions. They may suggest a variety of methods to help decrease the gassiness.

3. Difficulty Sleeping

It’s important to consider how your baby’s formula is affecting their sleep. This is especially true when other signs of discomfort, such as general fussiness, are also present. Being hungry or uncomfortable can interrupt a baby’s normal sleep cycle. They are supposed to get enough sleep during the first few months of their lives, so if they’re not sleeping well, it might be a problem with your baby’s formula. If your baby is struggling with fatigue or weakness, you should consider switching to a different formula.

4. Rashes

Babies have sensitive skin, and it can change with the environment. The temperature, humidity, and other factors can affect their appearance. If your baby is experiencing a reaction to formula, it could be causing skin changes, such as a rash. Talk to your child’s pediatrician if you notice any new development. It’s possible that the skin is reacting to the formula and needs changing.

5. Vomiting

Newborns and young babies spit up frequently after eating, especially when they’re still taking breast milk or formula. This is normal, but frequent vomiting after eating can be a sign that your baby’s formula is not working well. If your baby vomits in a way that suggests they’re trying to remove something from their body, this could be a cause for concern. It’s not just discomfort, but vomiting their formula could also prevent them from getting enough nutrients and fluids.

How To Switch Formulas Properly

There are two ways to switch your baby’s formula. The first is a one-step transition. This works well if you are switching from a standard baby formula to an easily-digestible one. If you are transitioning from a specialized baby formula to another kind, it may be best to transition slowly by mixing the two formulas. Slowly add less and less of their original formula until you are only using the new formula.

Final Thoughts

If you believe that your infant is struggling with an intolerance to formula, it might be time to try a different type. Switching to a different formula type or brand can cause a significant change in the overall health and well-being of your baby.

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