5 Security Threats for Your Data

There are many threats to computers and other cyber resources. That is because many people who are keen on reaping where they never sowed usually make use of the hacking techniques to infiltrate the computer systems. As a shrewd computer owner or network operator, you have to know these sources.

How possible is it for you to deter them from happening in the first place? We want to help you to find out these potential threats and be on the lookout for them beforehand. This, we are going to do by finding out, highlighting, and explaining the five major security threats that your data is likely to contend with.

Before we delve into that, we would wish to draw your attention to the Network IQ Company. This is a data security company that handles the security of computing systems. Click here to start out with it. A member of its customer service executive is always on standby and ready to hear from us.

5 Security Data Threats

Below now are 5 Security threats for your data:

#1: Password attacks

By far the most popular means of breaching data is by use of password attacks. This simply means using the right password of a user and then using the same to access contents. The password may be obtained from the backend database, through falsified human interactions or scanning.

People mainly use the passwords they harvest illegally to access e-mail accounts, financial records, and travel documents, to name but a few! Mitigating this issue is somewhat simple. All you have to do is to reset the password regularly and using different passwords for different sites.

Also never click the ‘remember me’ option on a public computer as others may have access to your databases anyhow. From time to time, you should also clear your computer’s cache to rid it of any traces of data that others may cash in on whenever they get to it.

#2: Phishing

Phishing entails the use of spurious communique to trick the recipients. For instance, the hacker may send out a spurious email. Upon opening it, the receiver may be asked to furnish his sensitive pieces of information like the credit card numbers. The sender will then harvest the data and then use it to make some financial gains.

The overall goal of phishing is to steal the identity of the recipient and then use the same to make some dubious financial transactions later on. There are a number of techniques you may use to prevent this from happening. The chief of this is to block out suspicious senders.

Then again you have to be vigilant when it comes to the kinds of messages you receive. Do not just be quick to open any email especially if you are unfamiliar with its sender. Most importantly, never respond to the calls or prompts of the emails unless you are confident that it is safe.

#3: Malware

Malware is a collective term for suspicious pieces of software like worms, viruses, ransomware, and spyware. These pieces of software are largely dormant but nonetheless become active when the same is clicked or acted upon. When activated, they may pose a range of threats to the computer systems.

These include blocking access to the key network components, installation of pieces of software that are harmful, obtaining sensitive information about the recipient, and disrupting the smooth flow of the operations of the computing systems, on the whole, to name but a few! Simply put: it cripples the smooth operations of the computers.

Malware is generally harder to get rid of. Apart from powerful antivirus software, perhaps the only way out is to format the hard drive. This will breathe a fresh lease of life to the gadget and take it back to the factory settings. Of course, you are bound to lose some data in the process.

#4: SQL injection

The term ‘SQL’ stands for ‘Structured Query Language.’ It entails the insertion of malicious contents or codes into the servers by the use of the SQL tool. Upon inserting this injection, the server releases some sensitive pieces of information. These malicious codes may take many forms.

The most common of these is the use of a vulnerable website search box. A user will mistake this for a genuine part of the website and then key in the relevant sensitive piece of information. If the website belongs to you, consider debugging it every now and then.

If you are unsure how to start out, we urge you to click here. This shall usher you into the Network IQ Company that deals with the matters of website security. The company shall also walk you through other aspects of the internet and online communications on the whole.

#5: Emotet

Wrapping up the list of the major threats of cyber-attacks is the Emotet. This is a powerful Trojan that poses extreme harm to the computer infrastructure. Unlike your ordinary security threat, this one operates as a dropper and a downloader at the same time. That is not all though.

It goes beyond that to pose some permanent and irreversible damages to the hardware and the software components of the computer mechanisms. Indeed, the end results may often be destructive and costly to remedy if and when the same happens. It calls for the installations of the firewalls as a possible remedy.


We bring an end to us peek into the 5 main security threats for your data. Needless to say, the above is not all that the typical computer system may suffer from. What does that mean? You have to go ahead and fill in the blank spaces that we may have left.

Regardless of the nature of the harms, there are more or less similar ways of combating these issues. These include the installations of the antivirus, fixing of firmware, and the formatting of the computer’s hard drives.

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