4 Tips To Help You Create SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

Marketers require a lot of skill and finesse in order to write blog posts that hold their audience’s attention. In order to keep the readers and the traffic on their website engaged and interested, marketers need to focus on the content, structure and idea around their blog posts – all of these elements should be relevant and informative for your target audience accordingly.

Blog posts of good quality and unique content are an integral part of your search engine optimization or SEO endeavors, and hence the benefits of putting out high quality blog posts are multiple-fold. Not only do you get more traffic on your website by posting SEO-friendly blog posts, you also gain the trust of your existing audience, and attain a higher ranking on search engines. Listed below are a few tips that would help marketers and content writers create SEO-friendly blog posts:

1. Do your keyword research

Before you begin writing a blog post at all, in order to make your blog post SEO-friendly, you need to conduct a small research into relevant keywords for your website. If you want to raise your ranking on search engines, you need to figure out what terms or keywords does your audience search for when they are looking for a product or service or post similar to yours. Once you are done with your homework, you can proceed on writing blog posts that focus on those keywords. SEO Singapore further details and emphasizes the importance of keywords for your blog posts as they are pretty much the starting point of your content.

2. Add structure to your blog post

Instead of rambling on for about 600 words and writing a post merely for the sake of it, you should instead devise a structure for your blog post. Every blog post that you create should include an introduction that focuses on introducing your chosen topic, a body which features the main message and a conclusion that summarizes what you wrote above. Your blog post should also include paragraphs, headings and subheadings. Not only are these important from a readability point of view, they are also important for SEO as search engine crawlers pick up such structure and context from your blog posts.

3. Use related keywords and transition terms

While you should center your blog post on your focus keyword, it is recommended that you also use related keywords in your posts. This is because using a focus keyword in your blog post repeatedly could lead to search engine crawlers in fact lessening your SEO score due to decreased readability.  Other than related keywords you are also encouraged to use synonyms. Additionally, since you are likely to have multiple paragraphs and subheadings within your blog post, you should consider using transition words in your blog posts. These are used in order to create a link between the different paragraphs. These increase readability and transition words help make sense and add structure to your text.

4. Focus on your blog post’s length

Your blog post needs to be optimized in terms of length and all blog posts should have a minimum of 300 words at least. You need to find the right balance between having enough words to satisfy your reader’s need for information while not scaring them away either. Typically, a blog post is recommended to have anywhere between 500-700 words.

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