What To Expect Before, During And After A Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of fat, breast tissue and skin from the breasts. The surgery can ease the discomfort and improve the appearance of people with large breasts. It also helps improve the self-image. If you are planning for this type of surgery, you can contact for breast reduction in London with an experienced surgeon and discuss what you can expect before, during and after the procedure. Let us dive deeper into it.

How To Prepare For The Surgery?

In order to ensure easy healing after the surgery, you need to be in good physical shape. Make sure that you strictly follow your surgeon’s instructions before and after the surgery. When you contact for breast reduction in London, the surgeon will have a look at your medical history and overall health. They will discuss what size you want your breasts to be and how to look after them after the surgery. The surgeon will describe the procedure to you and the risks and benefits, including possible loss of feeling and scarring. 

Your breasts will be examined and measured; photographs may also be taken for your medical record. The surgeon will also inform you about the type of medicine used to put you to sleep. The breast reduction surgery will require you to quit smoking for at least six weeks before and after the surgery, avoiding aspirin, herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs to control bleeding during surgery. You will be asked to get a mammogram.

You will be asked to get your home ready for recovery by having plenty of ice, loose and comfortable shirts, gauze and clean washcloths, and special ointments or creams for the incision sites. Also, arrange for someone to drive you home and if possible stay with you for at least a day after the procedure. 

What Will Happen During The Procedure?

The technique of breast reduction surgery can vary. It can be surgery through incisions or liposuction to remove the excess fat in the breasts. The surgeon will make an incision around the nipple and areola and down each breast. The excess breast tissue, fat and skin will then be removed to reduce the size of each breast. Then the breast will be reshaped, and the nipples and the area around it called the areola, will be reset. 

Since the areola is usually attached to the breast, the surgeon may remove it and add a new nipple if the breasts are too large. The surgeon will make the breasts look alike, but the size and shape may vary slightly. The size of the areola may also be smaller, and the incision scars will fade over time but will not completely go away.

What To Expect After The Procedure?

Immediately after the surgery, the breasts will be covered with bandages. A surgical bra will hold them in place. The surgeon may place a tube under each arm in order to drain any extra blood or fluid, and you will receive medicine for pain and to decrease the risk of infection. 

The breast will feel tender for the first week after the surgery. They may also be swollen or bruised. You will be required to wear a surgical bra that closes in front in order to support the breasts. For the first few weeks, you must limit your physical activity and continue wearing the surgical bra at all times. Follow-up visits are also required to check your recovery.

What Are The Risks Associated With Breast Reduction Surgery?

The risks involved with breast reduction surgery are the same as any other major surgeries, such as infection, bleeding, blood clots and reaction to anaesthesia. Other possible risks include scarring, temporary bruising, difference in size, shape and overall look of both breasts, difficulty or inability to breastfeed, or not being happy with the results. 

Another rare complication is losing the nipples and the skin around the nipples or the feeling in them. Avoid lifting heavy objects immediately after the surgery since it can worsen the scars. It can also cause damage to blood vessels, nerves, and other parts of the body. Certain complications, like inadequate healing of the nipple area, may require a skin graft.  

Contact your surgeon right away if you notice any first signs of infection like tenderness, redness, fever or unusual swelling at the surgical site. In case there is any unusual discharge from the incision site, including pus, or if any of the stitches come out before you are due to have them removed, immediately contact your doctor.

Summing Up

A successful breast reduction procedure will relieve pain in the upper back, shoulder and neck caused due to the weight of large breasts. It will also allow you to participate in physical activity and promote a better self-image. Although the results will show immediately, the swelling can take months to go down completely. The surgical scars will also take months to fade away. However, the final results will last long unless influenced by pregnancy, ageing, weight changes and other factors.

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