Understanding HIV Knowing its Prevention and Treatment

Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV for short, is the virus responsible for causing AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Reportedly, there have been 75 million people that are infected with HIV, while there’s an approximate number of 32 million people that have died because of it.

HIV has been terrorizing every country in the globe for the past years and has been a continuous burden worldwide. This is especially true in the African region wherein the people there are severely affected with 1 in every 25 adults as victims to the disease.

With this said, it is important that one understands and know how to prevent and treat HIV. Now, this lies on an individual’s information regarding the said condition.

How HIV Leads to AIDS

First and foremost, HIV is the one responsible for causing AIDS to an individual affected by it. This damage one’s immune system, which makes a person vulnerable to sickness. Now, when HIV damages your body’s defense against illnesses, then that is the time where different diseases invade your body.

There are more than 38,000 new infected individuals that happen every year, and most people that have been infected does not feel any symptoms for many years and felt fine. So, the infected individuals may not even know that they were already affected.

With this said, once you have HIV, it will stay in your body for life since there is no current cure for the said disease. However, there are available medicines that can treat it and help you stay healthy, like Fosamprenavir.

How Do You Acquire HIV?

The virus is transmitted through sexual contact. It is carried through vaginal fluids, semen, anal mucus, breast milk, and blood. Additionally, the virus invades the body through mucous membranes (like the opening of the penis, inside of the vagina and rectum), cuts and sores.

With this said, you can get HIV from the following actions:

  • Sex (vaginal or anal)
  • Sharing of needles intended for piercings, shooting drugs, tattoos, etc.
  • Using a needle with infected blood on it
  • getting HIV-infected blood, vaginal fluids, and semen into your open cuts or sores on any part of the body

Commonly, HIV is spread through unprotected sex. This is why medical professionals recommend using condoms or dental dams every sexual intercourse. Also, to protect you and your partner from HIV, avoid sharing needles whether you are going for tattoos, piercings, etc.

Now, if you have HIV, then treatment will help you in lowering or even stop the chances of spreading the virus to other people. On the other hand, if you do not have HIV, then you might want to take the daily medicine called PrEP, which can protect you from the virus.

Lastly, HIV can be passed down during pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding, from the mother to the baby. Now, to lessen the chances, the pregnant woman with the virus can take medicine to greatly reduce the chances of passing down the virus to the child.

How HIV Medicine Helps

The HIV medicines, like the drug mentioned beforehand, helps lower or stops chances of spreading the virus to other people. Recent studies have shown that the use of HIV treatment as directed helps lower the amount of the virus in your blood. It lowers the virus’ amount so much that it might not be detected on a test, and when this happens, then you can’t spread HIV through sexual intercourse.

Treatment for HIV is really important, which is why having an HIV test is so important too. Because if you go through HIV without treatment, it will undoubtedly lead to AIDS. Not only that, but medications help infected individuals live a long and healthy life without having to worry about spreading HIV to other people.

Fosamprenavir as Treatment

This medication is a type of antiviral medicine which helps in preventing the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) from further growth and multiplying in an individual’s immune system.

Fosamprenavir is used as a treatment for HIV before it leads to a much-complicated disease, which is called as AIDS or the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. This drug can be used by adults and children whose age is at least four (4) weeks old.

Just a reminder that this medicine does not cure HIV nor AIDS, it only helps in lessening or stopping the growth. This drug can be bought at any local pharmacy with a fosamprenavir coupon.

Important Information

Firstly, you should tell your doctor about your medical and health information. This helps them assess what kind of treatment you should have in dealing with HIV. With this said, you should inform your doctor about the current medicines that you are taking and the medications that you stopped using. Also, tell your doctor if you had any past allergies to medication or any other allergy that you have.

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