Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): An Overview

IBD is a collective term used for describing chronic intestinal diseases that involve inflammation of the gut. These conditions make the digestive system inflamed and apart from causing a number of unpleasant and disruptive symptoms, they are also the source of some additional problems. Keep reading to know more!

The Two Main Types of IBD:

● Ulcerative colitis (UC): The form of IBD that tends to affect the colon and rectum involves mainly the inflammation of the inner lining known as mucosa. They are characterized by diarrhea, rectal bleeding, the ability to feel the urge to go to the bathroom often, and tummies causing pain and inflammation.

● Crohn’s disease (CD):  Crohn’s disease can impact any region of the gastrointestinal tract starting from the mouth and finishing at the anus; nonetheless, this disease is most typical for the ileum and the colon.  While ulcerative colitis involved only the mucosa, a layer of the gastrointestinal lining, Crohn’s disease can infect all layers of the bowel walls.  It can result in a diverse number of symptoms including; diarrhea, stomach ache, weakness, weight loss and nutritional deficiency. For such conditions it is imperative that you consult a gastroenterologist in Lahore.

What Causes IBD?

The exact cause of IBD remains unknown, but it’s believed to be a combination of factors:The exact cause of IBD remains unknown, but it’s believed to be a combination of factors:

● Immune System: One of the main factors whose influence involves an immunologic system failure is commonly considered. For chronic inflamed bowel disease, the immune system targets the healthy gastrointestinal tracts.

● Genetics: If a person has a close relative with IBD the chances are high, that they too can become victims.

● Environmental Triggers: Anal lesions may be partly caused by some specific factors like smoking, diet, and gut bacteria that cause IBD.

Diagnosing and Treating IBD:

As with most conditions that are diagnosed through an array of systems, there is no definitive test for IBD. The diagnosis procedure can be enhanced through blood tests, stool examination, imaging studies/x-ray, and CT scans and endoscopy which is a direct visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Management of IBD aims at controlling the inflammation and severity of the symptoms as well as preventing relapse of the condition.  It may require the use of certain drugs such as corticosteroids, immuno-suppressants, and biologicals.  Sometimes, especially if the lining of the bowel has been attacked, the affected part must be surgically removed.

Living with IBD:

IBD is a chronic disease that does not have a cure but with management its effects and symptoms can be controlled and this allows people with IBD to lead a normal productive life.  Adhering to a diet, knowing ways to cope with stress, and practicing how to get sufficient rest also enhances life quality.


IBD is a common digestive concern worldwide. It consists of two types: Ulcerative colitis and Chrohn’s disease. If you or someone you know has these conditions, you can get help from a gastroenterologist in Islamabad for proper diagnosis and management to improve your quality of life.

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