How to Create Viral-Ready Memes for Your Marketing Campaign – Tips By the Pros

Even those who may not know that memes are will have encountered more than one while browsing through posts on social media. Essentially, a meme is an image created using a familiar picture with a witty or sarcastic message. Memes have shot into prominence because not only are they funny, easy to create, and ideal for grabbing attention and boosting engagement on social media. With over 350 million photos being posted every single day on Facebook, according to Brandwatch, humorous and topical visual content has the best chance of attracting eyeballs.

Memes – Not Just Funny

You would not need to be a sociologist to understand that humor, in addition to bringing a ready smile on the faces of people, is also a powerful tool for influencing and persuasion. If used correctly, it can open up an instant connection between people and create opportunities for further interaction and communication. If you can execute and implement memejacking properly, you can score over your competitors on social media and boost your brand awareness and level of engagement with your target audience. Some tips on creating compelling memes:

Consider Your Audience Profile

Your meme has to appeal to your target audience. It is, therefore, vital for you to conduct research and construct your buyer persona so that you know everything about him. When you are aware of his needs and wants, aspirations, motivation, and concerns, you will be able to create memes that he will identify with and find genuinely funny and relatable. A meme that your target audience cannot relate to because of any reason like ethnicity, language, cultural ethos, religion, etc., can bomb and represent a waste of your efforts. Worse, they can boomerang if the audience, for any reason, takes offense, and the brand image can take a hit, observes a Meme Scout design consultant.

Understand the Meme

Memes are not just funny images but have connotations that are usually far deeper. It is important that you research the meme and understand the context of its use so that you do not put a spin on it that would be downright foolish, embarrassing, or even make your brand look insensitive. Before you post the meme, get some feedback, so that you are surer that people are getting the message you want to put across.

Ride Hot Trends

One of the best ways of getting your memes noticed is to post memes on trending topics. Memes come and go with great speed, and if you are keen on meme marketing, you need to be on the ball so that you spot an opportunity early and ride with the trend as it balloons. Your target audience will be aware of the topic, and it will help them to relate to your meme.


Getting your brand notices in the clutter of social media can be a difficult task. While you must focus on creating and posting high-quality and value-added content that users will find relevant, you can bring in an element of humor with your memes. They will serve to not only lighten the mood but also cut through the notice and draw more attention to your brand. 

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