Crucial Mistakes You Should Avoid When Building a Company Blog

Company blogs are quite important nowadays when online competition is global. So, in order to get in front of your competitors, you need good blogging skills to create a strong blog for your business.

Today, we’re going to talk about the most common and crucial mistakes you should avoid when building a company blog.

Without any further due, let’s begin!

1. Writing about Bad Topics

The most common mistake people make even before they start their blogs is writing bad topics. Before you decide to plunge into one field, you should do proper research.

When it comes to the company blogs, a lot of businesses tend to use their blogs just to advertise products, rather than really dive into the niche and answer some fundamental questions their customers are asking.

Needless to say, your company blog shouldn’t just be used for product promotion, but it should also be helpful to people who read it.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to pay closer attention to what your audience is interested in, what types of questions they ask and build your blog around topics that can answer those questions.

2. Badly Optimized Posts

When you decide to create a blog, you must keep in mind that it is all about readers. If readers are not satisfied with the blog, then you are definitely doing something wrong.

And in order for your readers to even see your blog, it is crucial not to forget the influence of SEO, especially local optimization if you own a local business.

For instance, if your company owns a blog written in English, it is expected that most traffic will come from the USA or the UK.

More specifically, from the major business centers, such as New York City. Therefore, to optimize the content on a local level, you could get advice from some of the companies that offer SEO services in NYC, or in any other local place you’re in.

3. Not Having a Consistent Publishing Schedule

Consistent Publishing Schedule

In order to drive more traffic to your website, and make all those viewers stay, and eventually become potential customers, it is important to keep their interest in your blog.

Apart from content quality, one of the best ways to do that is by having a consistent publishing schedule on your blog.

Most people like habits. A regular person will usually get up, drink some coffee, get something for breakfast, and perhaps read news or blogs while doing it.

So, imagine that one day, you get up and don’t see any new posts on your favorite blog. What would you do? You would probably look for another blog about a similar topic.

And as time passes, you would probably focus on that new blog, since it contains new and interesting posts, you haven’t read before.

For the other blog with inconsistent content, this means loss of traffic. And that is something you cannot afford in today’s business environment because less traffic means fewer potential customers, which leads to a sudden drop in sales, and eventually to the loss of profit.

4. Lack of High-Quality Links

As a part of blog optimization, people often add links to their posts. One common mistake a lot of non-experts make is spamming a lot of links, thinking that it will help them get more traffic.

That’s simply not how link-building and optimization work. If some of the links are broken or untrustworthy, Google will recognize it and flag your post for containing harmful content.

That is something you definitely want to avoid since it can drag your traffic down and lead to the loss of a lot of potential customers.

Therefore, only include links that come from trusted sources, such as research studies, official sites for showing statistics, and websites that are ranked high in the search results.

5. Outdated Content

Another very common mistake company bloggers make is publishing posts with outdated content, or not coming back to their old posts to update the information listed there.

Same as with bad links, search engines will analyze the content structure and information, so if you include links to some outdated information in your active post, or if some of the links become broken over time, search engines will know it and flag your blog.

To avoid that, always make sure your posts contain the latest information about the topic in question, and check the links in your old posts from time to time, to see if they are working properly.

6. Not Promoting the Blog on Social Media

Promoting the Blog on Social Media

It’s needless to say that social media platforms have become one of the largest traffic-bringers and audience trackers. Advertising on social media is the best way to reach out to your audience, and get more potential customers.

Because of that, promoting a website or blog on social media is of crucial importance to most successful companies.

7. Choosing a Bad Host for Your Blog

Apart from the content optimization, to attract more people to your blog, you have to make sure the website is working properly.

No one likes to browse and visit websites that have a long loading speed, with a lot of ad popups, as well as insecure domains.

However, even knowing this, some people often choose to hire a bad host, without even doing research about them first.

It is understandable to look for the most cost-efficient option, but it’s not a good idea to just go for the cheapest host you find before checking out the reviews about them.

There is usually a good balance between the price and the host quality, so you can find some pretty affordable high-quality website hosts.


That would be all folks! These were the most common mistakes you should avoid when building a company blog.Before you dive into the field of company blogging, make sure to follow our tips, in order to avoid these mistakes, and make your blog a real traffic-bringer.

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