All You Need To Know About Cosmetic Nose Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is done to improve the appearance of a person. Procedures are available for almost every part of human body.

When someone wants the surgery for their nose it is known as rhinoplasty which is another type of plastic or cosmetic surgery.

Nose surgery aims to improve the function and appearance of nose that has been damaged or in bad look. The advancement in medical field has made the procedure of cosmetic surgery easy and affordable.

What are the Issues A Nose Surgery Or Rhinoplasty Can Fix?

Some people don’t like the hump or bump on the bridge of their nose, while others don’t like tip of nose, or the injured nose, thus nose surgery is for all. Rhinoplasty fixes any issue related to appearance of your nose. 
All You Need To Know About Cosmetic Nose Surgery

Also if you are suffering from some breathing issues due to irregular nose bone, nose surgery can fix that too.

What the Things to Consider When Planning For Nose Surgery?

Choose Experienced Cosmetic Surgeon

Rhinoplasty is a complex process that demands special studies and experience, so always choose an experienced Cosmetic surgeon for your nose surgery. Go to surgeon who has years’ of experience in facial cosmetic surgery and performs rhinoplasty in his or her practice.

Patients’ Review

Before finalize the doctor for treatment talk to previous patients’ of that doctor and inquire about the credibility of doctor. Also, talk to people near you and check reviews online to find the best cosmetic surgeon for your nose surgery.

Compare Cost

Cosmetic surgery is a big investment, and different clinics charge differently for the same procedure. So, compare the cost of more than three doctors and then select the best according to price and experience.

Types of Nose Surgery

Open Nose Surgery

In open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made by doctor under the nasal tip that is between the nostrils. This allows the surgeon complete access to your nasal structures, where he or she can easily sculpt the nose into new desired shape. 

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However, cosmetic surgeons will typically prefer open rhinoplasty approach for patients who want reshaping of their nose for better look. The scars will get merge with skin contour after couple of weeks of surgery.

Close Nose Surgery

The close nose surgery is done in inner nostril that is performed with incisions inside of the nose. The patients who need minor adjustment of nose cartilage are advised for this surgery. The advantage of this is that there is no visible scarring after surgery.


A tiplasty procedure focuses on area of reshaping rather the incision techniques. It involves reshaping of nasal tip and causes no harm to other nasal structure. Your cosmetic surgeon may choose any open or close nose surgery for tiplasty.

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Things to Avoid For Few Days after Nose Surgery

  1. Strenuous physical activities
  2. Swimming, running
  3. Blowing your nose
  4. Excessive chewing
  5. Laughing
  6. Forceful face expressions
  7. Resting eyeglasses on the nose
  8. Vigorous tooth brushing 

Moreover, give yourself some time to recover after the nose surgery. As it may result in instant swelling, thus it needs some rest that overcome the swelling and other minor issues after surgery. Also, try not to put much pressure on the nose as it may result in some serious issue.


As of now, you know about the nose surgery, its procedure and care after it so choose the doctor carefully and get new nose look within a few days. 

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Guest Author
Carolyn Gill

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