Air Pollution is Our Worst Enemy

For many people, the most dangerous thing about modern life is the risk of a catastrophic natural disaster. But there are more threats to humanity’s future than just a few super volcanoes and giant asteroid strikes. What then is the biggest threat to humanity’s future? Your guess is as correct as mine, AIR POLLUTION.

Earth’s air has become a poison, an enormous invisible enemy with a deadly threat to society, and this is its story. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 7 million people die every year due to poor air quality, most of these deaths take place in low and middle-income countries, making it a rather sad reality and a global concern.

This degrading situation is often thought of as a natural phenomenon, and it’s easy to overlook that air pollution is, in fact, a direct product of human activity. We talk about pollution, pesticides, and population problems, but no species on earth has the long-term potential to degrade our landscape, the waters in our oceans, and the very air we breathe like we do. Now the golden question is; will this crisis be going away soon?

Air Pollution: A Crisis That Isn’t Going Away

Air pollution has become a global public health and environmental concern. The increasing awareness of the impact of air pollution on public health has led to an ever-increasing demand for air quality monitoring worldwide. 

Irrespective of these monitoring measures established worldwide to minimize air pollution, this crisis may not be going away soon; why is this so? The U.S. Energy Information Agency predicts that global energy demand will keep growing between now and at least 2040. To avoid the worst effects of air pollution, we need to reduce energy use. Can we reduce energy use enough, though?

There are many potential alternatives to fossil fuels, such as wind, solar, geothermal, and hydrogen fuels; however, the majority of energy in the world is still produced by burning fossil fuels. These energy sources are cheap, abundant, and easy to distribute but are a concern for outdoor pollution.

Two reasons for concern about outdoor air pollution include the harmful effects of ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) on our health and well-being. 

According to the United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), long-term exposure to air pollution, specifically ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter, has been associated with respiratory effects, including asthma attacks, and acute bronchitis, resulting in more hospital admissions and ER visits.

What Causes Air Pollution?

Air pollution is a mixture of gases and minute particles caused by combustion processes. Common sources of air pollution include combustion in internal combustion engines (e.g., in motor vehicles and lawnmowers), charbroiling (indoor or outdoor grilling on open fires), barbecuing, and burning fuels for heating or cooking. 

Can We Still Have a Breath of Fresh Air?

Over 90% of the world’s population live in environments where air quality levels exceed The World Health Organization (WHO) limits, and this leaves the question “Is our planet doomed?” or “is there any way we can still have a breath of fresh air?” on the lips of everybody. The answer is YES. Promote clean air; I’ll tell you how.

Clean air is vital for everyone, but it’s crucial for children, who are less able than adults, to cope with air pollution. A new report finds that over a million people are already exposed to levels of air pollution that could lead to premature death.

People living near coal-fired power plants are much more likely to be exposed to damaging pollution levels. How best can you now make sure you are breathing clean indoor air? With TENSHIELD, you can ensure that you and your kids aren’t breathing dirty air.

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