How to Improve Your Business Productivity This Year

Productivity is everything in the business world. You can have the strongest skill set in the world in your team, but if they’re not productive, it’s pointless. 

There is no magic spell that can be cast that results in a productive business. Instead, it’s the result of listening to the market and your employees and then acting on what you learn. 

Harnessed and utilized correctly, there are tools that can then increase productivity. And when productivity increases, everyone feels good about themselves as they make their daily journey to work.

From the very top to the bottom, your workplace will be a happy place where what’s done is done well. 

Start like this.

Treat Employees Well and Engage with Them

It sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s frequently overlooked. Make your employees want to work for you, and they will. Encouragement can come in many forms. For some, being told that they’re doing a good job is all they need to hear. 

For others, a small token of a superior’s esteem does the trick. It can be something as minor as a cup of coffee or an offer to buy that day’s lunch.

As the old saying goes, “People may forget what you said but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.” However, it’s not just about displays of appreciation for their work that makes an employee feel wanted.

Coming to a workplace that’s inviting is just as important. Are your premises well-lit, well-ventilated, and smartly decorated? Are they clean and tidy? All of these will make your employees want to work for you and be productive. Ultimately, that’s what will make your business successful.

Be Visible, Supportive and Flexible

A very clear dividing line between employee and boss is a guaranteed way to cause friction between the two camps. When the going gets tough, your members of staff will want to feel that you’re in the thick of things with them. They want everyone, whatever their level, to be getting their hands dirty.

So, don’t hide away in an office, behind a computer screen. Roll up your sleeves and help with your team’s everyday tasks. 

These could range from using tools to make accounting tasks easier to making the coffee on a team all-nighter. It all helps to make demarcation a thing of the past and shows that you’re all pulling in the same direction.

Encourage adequate rest be taken and, if possible, implement flexible working too. 

Annual leave and vacation time isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity as modern life takes its daily toll. 

Similarly, an employee who needs to take a child to school each morning might arrive at work flustered. A later start time might give them the mental space they need to begin every day better.

Keep Them Busy – But Be Realistic

Going to work when there’s nothing to do feels futile to the employee. The whole morning routine feels like it’s been a waste of time because they could have sat at home doing nothing instead. 

Keeping your people busy with other work when their everyday tasks have been completed is vital. It makes them feel wanted and continues to engender that sense of inclusivity. 

All goals and objectives that are set should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and within a suitable Time frame.

Asking vaguely for something to be done without the tools needed or thorough justification won’t help your employee feel wanted. And it won’t lead to success for the business when the task remains uncompleted. 

A Gradual Increase

The steps outlined here can help you gradually increase productivity. In your position as a leader, you’ll be able to build on these foundations. It will be an organic process. You’ll notice more which can be applied to assist your quest as it continues. The story’s far from over, but you’re in a great starting position.

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