5 Lead Magnet Ideas to Increase Revenue of Your Ecommerce Store

Is your e-commerce store converting most of its visitors into paying customers? Many e-commerce stores suffer from a problem in converting visitors into paying customers. They will take a few minutes to look through your stuff and leave. Even having good traffic doesn’t mean your e-commerce store is profitable. However, we do not advise using the LinkedInProspect tool as  LinkedIn does not support automation services. Please find better solutions for your LinkedIn profile.

Rather than dropping site visitors for good, you need to find a technique to attract their attention and increase your sales. For this, you need a lead magnet strategy. 

With a lead magnet strategy, you will provide something of significance to exchange your visitors’ contact details. It’s easier to persuade leads to return to your page and buy something once you have their contact details.

Create a lead magnet that includes the following principles and encourages leads to take action once you’ve figured out what your client wants and needs.

Let’s look at several lead-magnet ideas and how to pick one based on your target audience’s demands and goals.

Top 5 Lead Magnet Ideas To Increase ECommerce Store Revenue 

# 1: Informative Material Like an E-book, Infographic, or Guide

According to studies, 70% of buyers purchase something to address a problem. Offering educational content is one approach to present your product as a solution to a particular problem in your sector. Educational lead magnets may be any size based on how much data your audience requires before they feel confident purchasing. 

Use this sort of lead magnet to provide info about a particular product or industry that your target audience is interested in.

# 2: Surveys

Surveys are excellent tools for learning about your prospects. Visitors who have previously visited your site but have not made a purchase can easily be persuaded to share their experience via these surveys. 

Consider utilizing this sort of lead magnet to gain information and insight to boost sales if you discover that your site receives a lot of traffic but sales a very few sales.  

Keep the survey short and close-ended. Always offer it as part of the lead magnet to get the best response rates.

# 3: Free shipping

Free delivery is one of the finest methods for an e-commerce company to persuade customers to buy. Study shows that customers are four to five times more likely to purchase anything when free delivery is offered.

Use this option if a high percentage of visitors are adding items to their carts only to abandon them soon after. Some of the desertions may be due to unexpected shipping expenses. Use your lead magnet to offer free delivery and encourage customers to provide their email address in exchange for a coupon.

  • Set this lead magnet to display in numerous locations on your website to inform visitors that free delivery is available. 

# 4: Resource List

The number of internet users has increased 82% between 2012 and 2017, reflecting how much information is available online. Now greater access than ever before for shoppers seeking precise information. But access to additional information does not make decision-making simpler for buyers. In reality, it is tougher to make decisions since there is so much information to be examined. That is why lists of resources are so important. It gives all they need in one location to enhance their chances of making a purchase sooner.

Resource listings educate customers, including e-books and guidelines. If you have many rivals, include useful resources to condense what information customers want and stand out in a crowded industry.

Use this concept of a lead magnet to provide a solution to a particular audience’s needs. Fitness equipment, garment, and, of course, links to your products can be included in your list of resources. It’s simple to connect with your product when they have the details they need to buy anything.

# 5: Discount Code

Most customers are attracted to purchasing something if a discount is available. 93 % believe they value a good deal a lot. Discount lead magnets are quite popular for this reason. People like to feel as though they’re receiving good value for their money when they buy something.

To boost the sale of slow-selling products, offer a discount. It incentivizes buyers unfamiliar with your brand to test your products because they are not paying full price.

Offer visitors a discount on their first purchase in the form of a percentage or a monetary amount off. In exchange for the discount code, ask leads to provide their email address so you may continue to nurture those leads.


Marketing has evolved immensely during the Pandemic era as more and more businesses are shifting to e-commerce, creating the toughest competition businesses can imagine. Only those e-commerce businesses with greater marketing, retention, and growth strategies will survive. So, if you haven’t considered lead magnet strategy to be included in your marketing plan, add it now.

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