5 Human Rights Issues That We Should Be Trying to Fix

Human rights are important to uphold everywhere in the country, and they’ve even gotten legal and public recognition on the international scale through organizations like the United Nations. However, these rights are frequently infringed and trampled upon, and this can result in a lot of pain and suffering in various groups all over the world, which can only be changed through swift, united action by governments and by citizens who stand up and make sure their voices are heard.

Gender equality

Gender equality is something that has been an issue for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, and is something you can find in each of the world’s countries and major industries, in varying amounts. There are many types of gender inequality, and some are more malicious than others, and this includes violence, sexual or otherwise, against women of all ages, as well as restricting their freedom, marrying them off against their will, and so on. In other countries, women have faced problems because of the fact that they have access to less pay for the same work they do as their male colleagues and the fact that they may have fewer opportunities can be overlooked. 

Conflict and armed violence

Conflict and armed violence have been an issue for all of recorded history. Despite the fact that there are more regulatory bodies than ever, like the UN and the European Union, it’s a problem that still persists. In places in the Middle East, like Syria and Yemen, civil wars are being waged that are proxy wars between bigger foreign powers, and the loser is always the common citizen, as those who were able to get out fled while they could while the people left behind now find themselves devoid of food and shelter through no fault of their own. These continued conflicts need to be addressed, and relief needs to be provided to these people while they’re still able to receive it.

Access to education

Education is a fundamental human right and something that people overlook, as those who are less privileged don’t have access to education to enrich their lives pursue better job opportunities, and change everything for themselves and their families. There are many poor countries throughout the world in which the per capita income is so low that children have to work to support their families instead of studying, and, even in better-developed countries, the fee for education can be so high that families struggle to meet it. This creates a vicious cycle that reduces the chances of anyone being able to escape from poverty.

Religious persecution

There are many groups out there today that are facing religious persecution, and among the most prominent ones are Christians. Many people today are wondering, what is Christian persecution, and what are shapes and forms it takes on. The truth is, like any major religion, there are groups of Christians all over the world that live in countries where they’re in the minority, and this means there’s less of an emphasis on upholding rights and protecting religious freedom since the dominant groups in the state aren’t Christian themselves, opening the door for violence in places like North Africa and South Asia.

Refugee rights

Refugee rights are an incredibly important issue that has proven to be more and more divisive year by year, and it deals with people who are in need of support, most often due to natural disasters or major conflicts in their area. In many cases, external factors cause conflicts within countries that cause their citizens to flee and find better homes in neighboring countries, only for them to be cast aside when they reach where they’re going. In a perfect world, the governments of the world would set aside some funds to ensure these people get proper access to care and enough shelter for them to be able to live properly. 


Throughout history, those in power have been ignoring and violating the basic human rights of the citizens in their own country or of another country, whether they’re religious rights or basic needs. In order to counter these issues, there needs to be systemic change, which can be catalyzed by governments around the world combining and coordinating their efforts to solve these issues and citizens all over the world standing up to show their support. Now that you’ve read this article, you’ll be able to do the same and work towards solving some of the biggest human rights abuses of this era.  

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