Diseases of the teeth

The health of teeth, gums and oral cavity depends on a huge number of factors that combine the lifestyle of a person as a whole and the impact on his health of the environment. To varying degrees, the following elements have a direct impact on dental health:

  • Nutrition. The diet, quality and nature of the foods consumed affect the condition of the teeth. Tooth enamel is sensitive to drinks and food that are too hot or too cold; excessively hard foods can damage the integrity of the tooth.
  • Hygiene. If the rules of oral hygiene are not followed, pieces of food that have not been removed become the cause of the multiplication of bacteria, provoking the process of decay. Improper brushing of teeth contributes to the accumulation of plaque, the formation of tartar, etc.
  • Diseases. Inflammatory processes in the mouth or nasopharynx can aggravate existing dental problems  that may lead to calculus bridge or provoke new ones. In addition, chronic infection weakens the body’s defenses, reducing immunity.
  • Environmental factors. The quality of the water used for cooking and drinking directly affects the health of the oral cavity and the body as a whole.

In our Dentistry at Hayatmed, dentists successfully treat diseases of the teeth and gums. We strongly recommend that if you experience a pain symptom, inflammation or other unpleasant sensations, immediately contact your dentist! Consult with our dentists regarding various dental treatments including dental veneers. Dental veneers in Turkey at hayatmed are less expensive as compared to any of the clinics in Turkey or in The United Kingdom. Do not delay with a visit to the doctor, as you increase the chance of maintaining a natural tooth, avoiding extraction. You can make an appointment with a dentist by emailing us at [email protected]

Diseases of the teeth


Perhaps, it is caries that can be considered the most common dental disease, which, to one degree or another, occurs in more than 75% of the population. Only a specialist can unambiguously determine the reasons for the development of caries, since this is associated with many individual characteristics of the patient: lifestyle, age, the presence of concomitant dental diseases and other pathologies, diet, habits, etc.

It used to be thought that tooth decay can be caused by inadequate oral and dental hygiene, this is still the main cause, but not the only one. Children are often told that eating a lot of sweets can provoke tooth decay, but without a number of additional reasons this will not happen.

Causes of caries

The most common causes of caries development are:

  • Poor oral hygiene. Persons who neglect oral hygiene procedures after eating, in 90% of cases, face the problem of caries. Insufficient or non-systematic cleaning of teeth, non-use of dental floss contribute to the formation of persistent plaque on the surface of the teeth, which subsequently turns into tartar and contributes to the loss of microelements by the tooth tissues.
  • Poor nutrition. Strict diets, low in proteins and microelements, lack of calcium-containing foods in the diet can cause changes in the qualitative composition of saliva, insufficient or excessive salivation, imbalance in the microflora of the oral cavity, thus provoking the destruction of hard dental tissues.
  • Enamel pathology. Inadequate development of tooth tissues can lead to insufficient supply of minerals from saliva to enamel, which interferes with the normal development, formation and functioning of the tooth.

Signs of caries

Signs of caries are a group of symptoms that can be identified even with self-observation:

  • changes in tooth enamel – darkening, brownish or black tint;
  • pain, manifested by brushing teeth, using dental floss, chewing food;
  • sensitivity of tooth enamel to cold, hot foods and drinks;
  • chronic bad breath, regardless of hygiene;


Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the tissues surrounding the tooth, characterized by the gradual destruction of the connection between the bone tissue and the root, an increase in the mobility of the tooth, up to its complete loss.

Periodontitis is infectious in nature according to thisĀ reliable dentist in Downey. The infection penetrates between the tooth and the gum, gradually disrupting the connection of the root of the tooth with the bone, contributing to an increase in the mobility of the tooth in place, over time, the connection between the root and the bone weakens, which can threaten the loss of the tooth. Absolutely healthy teeth that are not affected by other dental problems can be affected by periodontal disease.


When an infection is detected, it is not difficult to eliminate its pathogens, however, in this case, the consequences of periodontitis are important. Since after elimination of the infection, soft tissues are quickly restored, and not the ligaments that hold the tooth root in the bone, the resulting pocket is filled with granulation tissue, which contributes to the appearance of pathological mobility and the risk of tooth loss. Thus, the treatment of periodontitis consists of two main parts: the destruction of the infection, the restoration of bone tissue and ligaments that hold the tooth in the bone.

After a course of treatment of periodontitis, the patient needs to pay special attention to hygiene procedures for a long time, monitor the condition of the teeth and regularly visit the dentist. Often, as a preventive measure, the doctor prescribes special care for the teeth and gums using specialized means for cleaning teeth and oral hygiene.

It should be remembered that even a completely stopped inflammatory process, under unfavorable conditions, can develop again.

Preventive measures are: observance of hygiene of the oral cavity, teeth, gums; timely visits to the dentist; systematic self-monitoring of dental health.

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