Basic Two-Way Radio Communication Etiquette

As the sixth-largest city in Australia, the economy of the Gold Coast is on a steady rise. This development is due to the influx of tourists in this coastal city in Queensland. It has an average of 10 million visitors every year, which is why local businesses continue to thrive all over the area. Some of the industries that benefit from the constant arrival of tourists include the retail sector, the hospitality and food businesses, and the construction companies that have never-ending projects to accommodate the growing need for more hotels near the beaches. All these industries require their staff to communicate clearly with each other no matter where they are on the premises. 

Because of this, more businesses look for companies that provide communication services in Gold Coast to avail efficient two-way radio systems for their employees. If you are one of the companies that use this type of communication tool, here are several etiquette lessons that you need to teach your staff when using the radio device. 

Execute Radio Checks

Before taking your radio on duty, make sure that the battery of your unit is full. If not, you need to charge it right away while you are preparing for your other stuff. You also need to check if the power turns on. Also, you must make sure that the volume of your two-way radio unit is high enough to hear incoming calls. As much as possible, you need to make constant radio checks to see if everything works properly and to adjust your range when needed.  

Prepare Before Speaking 

Before you start using your two-way radio unit, you need to decide first what you want to say and who should receive your message then adjust the channel to the person you want to talk to. You should also identify yourself first before you begin to convey your message using the official call signs used by your company. 

However, you need to avoid transmitting confidential or sensitive information since you might be using a shared channel. When talking over the radio, you need to speak slowly so the person on the other end can clearly understand what you want to say. Then end the conversation using the word “over” to let the other person know that you already conveyed your message. 

Other common two-way radio lingo used in different parts of the world includes:

  • “Stand-by” – your message was understood, but the respondent cannot think of a reply at the moment 
  • “Go ahead” – the other person recognized your request to talk, and you can start sending your message 
  • “Roger” – your message was received and understood
  • “Say again” – you need to repeat your last message

Use Short but Concise Messages

Since all two-way radios provided by communication services in Gold Coast can only allow one person to talk at a time, you need to remember how to keep your messages short and direct to the point. It will allow the other person to have a chance to understand what you are trying to say. It will also let them have enough time to request for clarification before you start talking about your next message. You may also repeat your message twice to ensure that the recipient understood your message. 

Using a two-way radio at work makes communicating with each other easier and more convenient. It would also allow you to stay in your station and avoid losing precious time travelling to a different area in your workplace to say a simple message. If you follow this basic two-way radio etiquette, you will maximize this tool for your convenience. 

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