6 Examples of Brands utilizing Omnichannel Marketing

Marketing is ever-changing and Brands have taken notice. The benefits of OmniChannel Marketing are extremely satisfying to the consumer. Here in this blog are 6 examples of brands utilizing omnichannel marketing techniques to their advantage. 


The coffee empire Starbucks has improved its marketing by adding a loyalty program into its mobile app, which removes the need for stamp cards. Customers are incentivized to continue using their mobile program because Starbucks noticed that customers are more likely to continue to collect data about their customers. 

Brands utilizing Omnichannel Marketing


The Mexican Grill’s digital sales surpassed half a billion dollars in 2018. A year later Chipotle launched delivery capabilities alongside DoorDash and completely revamped its website where it launched its cross channel loyalty program. Here, you can easily find nearby locations, access payment options, and promotional offers with this app.  

Examples of Brands utilizing Omnichannel Marketing


With the Disney app, you’ll never be lost at the theme park. Disney understood their customer. Waiting in line is frustrating. If you access the Disney mobile app, you can check how long the wait is for Splash Mountain (for example). The tool is available for all devices: mobile, desktop, and tablet. It allows its patrons to have a smooth customer experience between their online vacation, phone support, and in person vacation experience. Within the app, guests can buy tickets view showtimes and even book a hotel room.

Disney Examples of Brands utilizing Omnichannel Marketing


Current prices are extremely important to customers. So the outdoor brand used an omnichannel strategy that combines the process so that it is clear as to what’s in stock. REI is completely wired with WiFi and provides associates with mobile devices in order to help customers who are looking for product information. REI completed an omnichannel marketing approach that helps shoppers feel more informed then they would without REI’s help. The company made it easy to see product reviews while in store. How? Just scan a bar code on an item. 

REI utilizing Omnichannel Marketing


The multinational technology company Apple has made great efforts to seamlessly combine physical stores and mobile apps to increase sales. 

Customers can:

  • Schedule appointments with a genius
  • Receive notifications when they’re near the store
  • Receive order information 

Apple Brands utilizing Omnichannel Marketing


Tim McCauley, Sr. Director, Mobile Commerce for Walgreens, reports that omnichannel Walgreens customers spend 3.5-6x more than in-store-only customers – but how do they do it?

Walgreens’ omnichannel strategy has many parts to it, all of which combine to make an almost irresistible brew of digital and physical experiences for their customers. The omnichannel strategy is called connected health and is used to track medication use, get health alerts, and more. 

Examples of Brands utilizing Omnichannel Marketing


Omnichannel marketing is a great way to provide your customer with a fully-integrated shopping experience. The brands mentioned above are paving the way for a seamless transactions. As a seasoned las vegas seo expert Brand Sentrik provides the same experience for their customers.  

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