Pros and Cons of Being a Freelance Digital Marketer

With demand for a digital presence on the rise, online marketing jobs have come into the fold as a lucrative form to make money. Considering how the majority of this work can be performed remotely, this is the ideal time to consider getting into the freelance digital advertising game. Just like any position, being a freelancer comes with its merits and demerits. This read will look at the advantages and disadvantages to assist make an informed decision about whether freelancing is ideal for you.

Advantages of Being a Freelance Digital Marketer

Over the past years, the hype around freelancing has steadily risen, and with good reason. Online marketing is a vast field with different channels within the domain. As a freelancer, you can begin by looking at various areas and checking which one kindles your interest. Regardless if your speciality is content creation, advertising, search engine optimization, brand management, or a combination, you may have a position in the digital advertising sphere. The best part about Internet marketing is the varying career pathways it offers, and freelancing provides a host of advantages. Let’s delve into some of the advantages.

Independence and Flexibility

Freelancing gives you the opportunity to become independent – you are the one who will decide where to work, when to work, and what to work on. Freelancing offers elasticity when it comes to the sort of projects you get to concentrate on, working hours, and more breathing room with regard to scheduling. If you have children, are in school, or even working another job, the flexibility of freelancing will allow you to still do your work.


Operating as a freelance Internet marketing enables you to acquire all sorts of projects from a range of clients. Working independently gives you a chance to attempt different niches, and kinds of industries, and learn more about clients in various sectors. Although it may be challenging to handle different projects at once, the grind can also be enthralling. What’s more, freelancers have the room to govern how to run things.

Disadvantages of Being a Freelance Digital Marketer

Although the satisfaction that comes with running your business and the chance for professional autonomy, fluidity, and variety may be attractive to most, there are pitfalls to being a freelance online marketer. If you are an employer looking to build your marketing and digital team, or perhaps you are just hiring your first marketer, you can search for digital marketing recruitment to find the best candidate.

Lack of Face-to-Face Community

Although some people thrive on the solitude of working alone from whatever location they deem fit, others may miss the companionship that comes with working face-to-face with others. Online marketing can be done virtually, and video conferencing has considerably improved how people connect online, for others, the lack of an in-person community is a huge downside to freelancing.

Constant Hustle

When working from 9 to 5 every day, there’s some certainty as to when you head to work, who is your boss, and where your place of work is located. Although this may appear constraining to others, consistency can also offer security. Acting as your own boss, you’ll have to be on a constant grind to ensure that the money keeps on coming in. Going from project to project or customer to customer can be an excellent method to craft a diverse portfolio, however, it can be panicky wondering when you’ll get paid next. As a result, most freelance Internet marketers don’t have the luxury of relaxing and are under constant pressure hustling to make ends meet.


The freelancing domain is super-competitive. Usually, freelancers have to put in the hours to signify they are well-equipped for the task at hand. Having to constantly be on your toes can prove to be very challenging. Building experience and acquiring clients on your own instead of being in a larger agency or a team takes time and money.

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