What All You Need To Know To Prepare For Class 9 Maths Olympiad

A Math Olympiad? Is it easy? Is it helpful? Am I going to get a good score? Can I crack it? All these questions brim in our minds when hearing the word Math Olympiad. Well, all these questions are justified. It just has this effect on us. The reason being it is something within the curriculum yet surpassing its boundaries. It literally provocates us to open up our minds and evolve it beyond the current perception of conceptual texts. 

A Math Olympiad may not be easy but definitely not too hard to get through. Just the right amount of practice and proper guidance for a full-on preparation. Certain techniques and methods if incorporated in your schedule, you’d notice a major difference in your preparation skills. 

Mentioned below are some points you need to know to prepare for the Class 9 Math Olympiad- 

The syllabus is the same as the curriculum- Olympiads have the same syllabus as the class you are in. Nothing too out of context. Everything is present in the NCERT questions. Although, some questions might appear to be at a higher level. They are nothing but HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). They just probe your analytical skills. They are not there to discourage you but to aid you in building a foundation for your upcoming standard. 

Further, cross-check the syllabus on the official website of the Olympiad. They provide a list of all the topics and even the subtopics. It is advised to stay updated with the website from time to time. So that you’re aware of the changes if made. 

Questions are twisted and medium level-

For this exam reaches the national and international level, one wouldn’t expect an easy set of questions. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t let your hopes down. All you need is to acquaint yourself with the mechanics behind these questions. They are taken from the NCERT but the extensive design represents the next level that you need to prepare for. Your will and practice are required. How much you are ready to put in this exam. Your perseverance would lead to your success in this journey. 

Refreshers are an easy way to get hold of such questions. They are very in-tuned with the Olympiad syllabus. Investing in 1 or 2 refreshers would definitely be worth the cost. If you are willing to, you can even accommodate more of such supplementary books. After all, more is less in this particular case. 

Test of your implementation skills-

Solve the questions present in the refreshers by your own first. Even if you know they are pretty much difficult, try to figure out the questions without looking for the answers. See how much can you do by yourself. Sometimes, self-analysis leads to a much better planning and practice for the exam.  

Self-evaluation before an exam always proves beneficial for a student. You acknowledge your limit. You know your capabilities and if they are not as per the need, there would be enough time for you to improvise them before the exam. If you have reached that advanced stage, you may be able to twist the questions and see how they come out! 

Extensive preparation-

Maths revolves around practice. There’s nothing purely theoretical about it. An obvious thing. Hence, the demand of practice books, rough notebooks and workbooks. This subject being of the derisive nature commands a good hold on the steps and techniques. Every single step in a problem matters. Hone your skills concerning the particular concept you’re studying. Keep moving this way. You wouldn’t even realize when did you even come this far. 

Another thing is interest.

The thing which doesn’t interest you , the chances to master that would be bare minimum. Some things are just not our territory. But for the sake of exam and a high score, you can at least try to give equal attention to every single topic. You never know, they might become your next favourite thing to solve! 

Sample papers should be considered- Sample papers and mock tests would never not be important. They play a key role in introducing you to the actual exam pattern and format. They are crucial in your preparation. Rather, it would be incomplete without you solving the sample papers. There’s no harm in it. They help you understand how you need to solve the paper, how much time you’d be able to give to all the questions. And later, match with the answers. 

You can check these for your upcoming exam- IMO Sample Papers for Class 9 with Answers or IMO Class 9 2011 question paper

Other things that might help- Get a detailed understanding of the chapters, if doubtful, ask your teachers and mentors. If not, then go for the digitalized method. You’ll indeed find in-depth solutions and explanations. Practice until you’re sure that you’ve become fluent in it. Follow a time-table. This might be something inconsequential but enables you to do more than your capabilities. 

Practice with a timer.

Check how many minutes it takes to solve a question and the whole paper. If it is not satisfactory. Increase your speed. A fast pace is essential to complete an exam on time. 

Keep in mind that no preparation is complete without your conscious effort. You need to give something in order to get something. Extra time has to be taken out while studying for the Olympiad. Learning and practicing more than it is given in the textbook. You can look up to various supplementary books available in the market. Make your own notes on what topics you need extra work.  

A full to preparation is combination of hours of studying and days of practice. If you’ll put your best, you’d see results come to fruition. Everything would worth those times when you decided to work and waste. If we look at this, every exam has the same story, in fact, every aspiration demands our 100%. So, if you’re of the aspirants, Olympiads are your next target.  

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