4 Tips to Improve E-Commerce Sales

Are you having trouble converting website traffic into buyers? Your e-commerce store could benefit from a few simple tips. Try some ideas below to help improve sales without any massive overhead costs.

1. Outsource Marketing

Why try to market your e-commerce site yourself when you could outsource to gather expert info? Hire an external marketing firm to run diagnostics on your current strategy and implement improvements accordingly. 

Because of the internet, the market of options is huge. You can work with experts from anywhere like a digital marketing agency in Korea. These companies can help with anything from website design to social media marketing.

2. Improve On-Site Navigation

One of the easiest ways to lose a sale with a customer who is already in your store is poor interior navigation. If your store is confusing, customers may get lost or frustrated and click away. 

Make sure customers can find the products they need quickly and easily. You can do this by allowing them to sort by category and subcategory, and including a search bar. Then make sure it is easy for the customer to locate the shopping cart to check out. You can even set your shop to prompt customers to check out as they click through your products.

Be sure to look into the ways that you can make payment more convenient as well. A complex or confusing checkout process can dissuade customers. Some even abandon their full cart completely. 

Did you know that you can set up an email reminder to follow up with customers that fill up a cart but don’t buy anything? If you ask customers to create an account to simplify the payment process in the future with an easy login, you can send them email reminders.

3. Promote Deals on Social Media

The best place to advertise a product is wherever your client place spends their time. This is why social media is such a powerful sales tool, especially when it comes to product launches or deal promotions. 

Big announcements can be boosted beyond the usual email list with a quick social media post to millions of followers. The key is to build an account that customers find worthy of following. 

If you don’t have the time to build one, you can collaborate with a larger account. Partner with a popular blog or lifestyle account in your niche to announce deals or boost the word about exciting incentives for customers. These posts can link to your e-commerce store.

4. Accumulate Positive Reviews & Ratings

One of the best ways to entice a client to proceed to checkout is a positive review. Structure your store so that customers can see positive reviews on the same page as the product. Then, ensure that you gather enough reviews to make this strategy worth it. But how do you do this?

A huge strategy for accumulating great user reviews is to use email reminders. Most digital sales end with the delivery of a receipt to the customer’s email. This is standard and expected in most cases. Savvy business owners can take this as an opportunity to also add a clickable invitation for the customer to review and rate their experience.

If you want to entice these reviews even further, you can offer a gift card or store credit prize. Announce on receipts to customers that if you send proof of a review, your name will be entered to win this prize.

The Bottom Line

Growing your e-commerce site can be tedious and time-consuming. Over time though, with the right tips and strategies, your sales will grow. Try these recommendations to help boost sales on your site today.

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