4 Ideas For Boosting Your Social Media Presence

If you want to operate a successful business or brand, you must have an established presence on social media. This promotes your products and helps customers find out about your offerings. Not to mention that companies can use their social media for immediate communication with the public in times of crisis or controversy. However, none of that will help you if you don’t have any followers to communicate with.

At first, it might seem impossible to grow a new social media page from nothing, but we have a few tips that they like to use to boost their social media pages. Take a look at the list below for some ideas.

1. Purchase Likes/Followers

This option might turn you off since it seems like a potentially expensive investment, but there are plenty of websites out there that allow you to buy Facebook likes at very agreeable prices. The same also goes for other popular sites like Instagram and Twitter. 

This is a great way to jumpstart a brand-new page since a large following makes you seem more authoritative and trustworthy. People are far less likely to follow you or even check out your page in the first place if it doesn’t look like others are already following you in the first place.

2. Diversify Your Content

We recommend sharing a wealth of engaging content on your social media accounts, not just information about your business. Consider posting the following on a regular basis:

  • High-quality images of products
  • Behind-the-scenes videos of staff
  • Polls and surveys
  • Promos and coupon codes
  • Customer testimonials

For example, if you own a restaurant, use its Facebook page to post pictures of your food. You could share videos or links to other exciting pages and websites about your area or the food industry in general. 

Consider offering exclusive information about sales and discount codes. Even if you make the tastiest entrees out there, giving your customers more than one reason to visit your page will ensure that they keep coming back and maybe even tell their friends.

3. Promote Your Post

Most social media sites provide some option to pay a fee in exchange for your post being promoted, which guarantees that it will be seen in the news feed of a certain number of people. This is a great tool when you already have a bit of a social media following, but you’re looking to grow bigger

The prices scale, so, the costs can add up over time. However, if you’re confident in the content of your posts, then ensuring that more people see those posts might be just what you need!

4. Sponsored Reviews

If you run a business or offer some service through your social media pages, consider reaching out to other individuals or brands with an established following and offer them your service or product in exchange for a review or shout-out. Of course, you will probably be expected to give your product away to that individual for free, so make sure that it’s financially viable. 

It might also help you to find individuals who cater to different audiences and get a sponsored review from each of them. You would be maximizing your engagement with potentially all-new groups of people!


Social media is still young, but it has already become a crucial part of any successful business venture. Hopefully, the four tips will help you kickstart your social media presence and engage with as many followers as you want! Remember to post consistently to keep engagement up and attract as many new customers as possible.

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