Why do teachers need to spend time mastering new technologies? Why do we need these technologies at all, when for decades everyone has gotten along just fine without them? Teachers are often quite critical of new technologies. They do not want to change anything, do not consider it necessary to spend time and effort to master them, and – most importantly – do not see the need for ICT.

Many consider technology unreliable. Programs freeze, Wi-fi becomes unavailable at the most inopportune times, passwords are lost, and simply everything does not work as it should. All this is true, but nevertheless, technology can give us a lot of benefits if we learn how to use it rationally.

There are many reasons for using technology in education, and there are very good reasons, and in this post, I would like to list some of them.

Technology saves time

If you automate what you have to do over and over again, you free up a huge amount of free time. For example, you can record a video explaining the material and you don’t have to explain it in class. Have students watch the video and take notes as homework, if necessary, and take time in class to do hands-on exercises and discuss difficult points. Many LMSs have an automatic test checking feature, which saves the instructor a lot of routine work. And after all, in order to write the same dissertation, the student no longer needs to sit all day in the library, it is enough to apply to the dissertation writing service, where experienced professionals will help in writing the dissertation, than will greatly save the student’s time.

Technology makes it possible to take collaborative work to a new level

A myriad of tools now enables collaborative work, allowing participants to join in wherever they are, whenever it’s convenient for them. Your students can work collaboratively with each other and with you. You can collaborate and share experiences with educators around the world using social media and video conferencing software.

Technology allows for a personalized touch

The traditional classroom-lesson system means that all students in the same class have the same assignments at the same time and receive the same homework. This is a familiar model of learning, but it is not the only one possible. What’s more, it’s not always optimal. Thanks to new technology, students can work at their own pace. So, if they listen to a lecture recorded by the teacher at home, they can pause and listen repeatedly to difficult points or the whole lecture the required number of times.

Technology allows students to learn to work independently 

When students watch and take notes on instructional videos, they begin to understand exactly how they learn best. They don’t have to wait for material to be handed out in class, as everything can be downloaded from cloud storage or LMS at any time.  Not to mention that many technologies, such as services like Quizlet, allow students to create their own learning materials. Through the process of independent work, students learn valuable skills that will be useful for their future studies. The world is becoming more and more information-rich and changing ever faster, which means they will need to learn and relearn throughout their lives. The sooner they learn how to do this effectively, the better.

Using modern technology in the classroom promotes information literacy

Technology is permeating many different areas of our lives. In many professions, even those seemingly not directly related to IT, the ability to use technology competently is becoming a necessity.  There is a point of view that modern students belonging to the digital generation, themselves will be able to understand everything. But that’s not quite true. Most will only learn the simplest things, and mostly related to content consumption rather than content creation.

Thanks to technology, there are fewer limitations and more opportunities. So why not take advantage of them?

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