Hiring someone may sound relatively simple but there’s a lot of complexities to it than meets the eye.
A candidate may appear to be perfect for a certain role but a lot of organizations still find themselves needing to replace the candidate with a better one after 6 months. Failed hiring can be caused by multiple things but oftentimes it is due to a lack of hiring structure. And that’s just an example of how structure can impact your efficiency in hiring.
On a broad scale, hiring the right people through the proper structure will help you acquire candidates that suit your organization’s objectives in the short term and the long term.
In this post, we will be tackling specific reasons structure has become an important component of hiring. But not before we discuss what structures or key elements need to be set in place to make way for efficient hiring.
What Key Elements Required For Efficient Hiring In An Organization?
Below are some key elements to keep in mind when trying to streamline your organization’s hiring process:
1. Proper Reviewing of Resumes
You need to create a system that will enable you to filter out the good candidates from the bad ones. You could start with a list of the qualifications that you need in a candidate. This could be a combination of the needed credentials, soft skills, and hard skills for the job.
You can skim the resumes based on those qualifications for faster and more efficient processing of candidates.
2. Body Language
Watching the candidate’s body language should be part of the job interview planning. The body language will let you know a person’s level of professionalism. How he carries himself will also fill you in on whether or not the person is competent in his field. It will also tell you if the candidate is only trying to impress or if he is being genuine in his approach.
3. Hands-On Interview
An interview is a conversation with the candidate to let you know what personality traits he has. Doing so enables you to grasp if the person you are interviewing could be a good match for the job role as well as the company.
While this remains to be a significant aspect of the hiring process, it gives you a pretty shortsighted insight. We recommend that you conduct a second set of interviews focused on hands-on work.
With that, you will absolutely know how proficient the candidate is concerning the job. Perhaps, let him come to work in the office for about 1 week.
You will also be able to observe how well-suited the candidate will be with regards to mingling with his coworkers or if he is even a good fit for your company culture.
Why Do Organizations Need These Key Elements In The Hiring Process?
You might be thinking.
“These hiring key elements are practically second nature to recruiters and hiring managers. Why do we need to learn about them?”
That’s a good question. Knowing about them makes the process transferable in case new hiring managers arrive at your organization. Most importantly, it allows you to have a fair and transparent process within the organization.
So, as promised, here are the reasons why organizations need to have these key elements when hiring people.
1. All Hiring Decisions Are Valid
This means you will be able to avoid the possibility of hiring people based on bias or personal connections.
This can happen a lot in every organization. Perhaps you need to hire an accountant and then someone in the HR department has a friend who just graduated in accountancy.
There would still be a hiring process but most of the time, what will happen is that the slot will be saved for the referred person.
This is done because most HR personnel believe that the best hire would be the one that they are familiar with the most.
Of course, they will have second thoughts about hiring a stranger but if it is a friend of someone within the department, they feel that they could trust that person more and so they would move forward with hiring the latter.
If you have a certain system in place for the hiring process and then there will be transparency. Everyone in the HR department will be mandated to follow these processes and won’t have to rely on their personal bias to make hiring decisions.
2. It Provides Consistency
One common problem with hiring is getting people who will turn out to be a bad fit for the job or company culture.
If this happens to your organization often, this means you don’t have the most effective hiring process or system right now.
As we have mentioned in the early part of this article, you must streamline your hiring process. But you have to take note that you most likely will have to rework the process several times before you will be able to perfect it.
In your hiring process’s initial form, it might provide little consistency or none at all. You’d have to revise it and record your results based on your employee retention rate. You can improve the hiring consistency as you begin to gradually change the process until such time that it is perfected.
3. You’ll Be Able To Write An Appropriate Job Description
A well-written job description will attract better-qualified candidates. If you have a unique and specific hiring process, you will be able to reflect this in the job description.
It will give your organization a vibe of professionalism and credibility. It also tells potential candidates that you have something good to offer to them.
When you can attract better-qualified candidates, the entire hiring process also becomes easier because there will be little need to separate bad candidates from the good ones.
Final Takeaway
Every organization can benefit a lot from having a system or process set in place for every member or employee to follow. This is especially true in the case of hiring or recruitment. Even though hiring people seems to be relatively simple, it can be quite a complex process in the long run.
Setting an effective hiring system will not only help you make hiring easier but will also lessen the turnover rate and increase employee retention.