Why now is the time to turn your home green

With sustainability front and centre of government agendas across the world, we are all being told it’s important we all do our bit. But why should we turn our homes green? What are the benefits from adopting sustainable choices? Read on to learn more.

Homes are a big source of CO2

According to the Committee on Climate Change, 40% of the UK’s carbon emissions come from households, with the lion’s share coming from heating, transport and energy. That share needs to be reduced if we are to avert dangerous climate change.

We can solve the issue of transport by taking more public transport or switching to hybrid or electric vehicles, but to tackle the rest, we need to invest in green energy providers, insulation and recycling. 

Adding solar panels or a wind turbine to your property is also an excellent idea, but consider your finances first. That way, you can get the greatest benefit once you start enjoying reduced energy costs.

Eco houses are healthier 

We all want to live in a home that supports, rather than harms, our health. One of the best ways to ensure this is by choosing natural, environmentally conscious furnishings, décor and products. 

Research from 2017 by the Silent Spring Institute found that a whole range of harmful chemicals found around the home and in the building itself, were causing problems with our hormones, IQ, reproductive systems and more. They found that by incorporating natural, fragrance-free products in the home, these chemicals could be avoided. These natural choices are typically less impactful on the environment too, making it a win-win for you and the world.

Sustainable habits are cheaper (and worth more)

Up until relatively recently, investing in eco-friendly alternatives was often prohibitively expensive, but as the market for green products has grown, economies of scale have started to kick in. Just last year, the International Energy Agency stated that solar energy is now the cheapest form of energy available, and according to Which?, one of the cheapest energy providers available in the UK offers 100% green power. 

What’s more, if you invest in green energy yourself – by putting solar panels on your home, for instance – you could even make money. Analysis by MoneySavingExpert found that you could make back the money on panels in 15 years – less than the 25-year maintenance life of key components that, even then, can be simply replaced. They can even add value to your property too.

Now is the time to go green with your home. By investing in new ways of living and ever-cheaper technologies, you can do your bit and help fight climate change, while saving money and living healthier too.

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