Why Is Water A Precious Resource?

Water is a precious resource for life but it is not infinite. Don’t you think so? Of course, there is water in the sea, rivers, glaciers, lakes and it flows from the tap at home with a simple gesture.

Seems eternal right? Too bad this is not the case. Very often it is unavailable and badly managed by the actors who should distribute it. And I’ll tell you more: for Third World countries, water is even a mirage. From Niger to Mozambique, many countries are struck by the lightness of man who underestimates the scarcity of blue gold, exploits it and wastes it. But Asia and Oceania are also without water.

On the other hand, the case of San’a, the capital of Yemen, is alarming, where the water table is reduced by 6 meters a year and is destined to run out. Just to give an example of how much the water problem is underestimated and overlooked .

According to the WWDR – World Water Development Report , 50% of the population has scarce water resources and the water is polluted . But let’s try to have an overview and deepen why water is a precious resource to be preserved.

Water is important for human health

Water is a precious resource for human well-being. Suffice it to say that the human body is made up of 75% water and needs to remain constantly hydrated to maintain optimal psychophysical balance and ensure the correct functioning of the systems.

Yes, water is the body’s invisible fuel: it is the means that transports nourishment to the organs and connects the cells. Without forgetting that it is part of some very important biological fluids including ocular, synovial and cerebrospinal fluids .

How much water to drink a day : at least 1.5 liter and do not wait for the sense of thirst. This is just the alarm bell: it warns you that your body is going into dehydration. The most common symptoms? Dry mouth, dry skin, fatigue, headache, bad mood, listlessness, kidney fatigue.

Do you need more reasons to drink water and protect your health? Here they are: eliminates toxins from your body, stimulates your metabolism, strengthens your immune system, makes you feel happier, helps you lose weight and improves sports performance. Basically, water is the source of long life, the best natural cure for diseases and ailments. Water is essential not only for the human body.

Water is essential but it is not unlimited

According to a study, the 69% of the water consumed on Earth is employed in agriculture , 19% for industry, 12% for domestic use while in Africa, 81% of the water available is used for agriculture. Instead, Europe uses 21% of its water resources for domestic use.

Yet in every sphere – starting with everyday life to other human activities – water is wasted believing that it is inexhaustible. But this is not the case: of three parts of the earth’s surface covered with water, the fresh one is just 2.6% and only one third can be used by humans because it is not located in easily accessible areas. It is present in glaciers or aquifers and is often polluted.

Added to this is population growth and thus it becomes increasingly difficult to make this good accessible and equally distributed. According to what is reported by the pages of Focus “ About 1 billion people do not have access to drinking water while between 3 and 4 billion do not have sufficient water.

This means that 55 to 70% of the world population cannot access the 40 liters of water per day considered by the WHO to be the minimum to satisfy vital needs. Added to these are 2.5 million people who do not have access to sanitation .

The consequences are dramatic: every year 8 million people die from diseases related to the lack of water ”.

Consequences of water scarcity

On the other hand, rainwater cannot even be thought of as a safe alternative due to smog and other pollutants infesting the atmosphere.

Not to mention that the water available in the world is affected by climate change and in some areas it rains more than others. Consequently, the decrease in rainfall in some areas of the Earth has given rise to problems of desertification.

The lack of water in the near future will have repercussions on humanity, on lifestyles and work activities, will exacerbate conflicts and migrations and will exacerbate financial instability. And it will not be just a problem of the poorest countries.

Even the richest countries, if they continue to waste without implementing corrective solutions, will find themselves without water because the water tables are consumed sooner than they are able to form .

Rules for saving water

People can avoid waste by starting with these tips for saving water:

  • While brushing your teeth, don’t forget to turn off the tap.
  • Spend less time in the shower and avoid the tub.
  • Turn off the tap while soaping dishes in a bowl and reopen it only for rinsing.
  • Apply a flow reducer to the taps.
  • Buy class A + appliances that are ideal for limiting water consumption.
  • Make the washing machines and dishwashers only fully loaded.
  • The plants should be watered in the evening, the water evaporates more slowly.

Water is a precious resource: your opinion

Scientists estimate that by 2050, blue gold will be scarce for 5 billion people. It is necessary to rethink better water management starting with the sieve aqueducts, the threat of contamination and limiting its consumption in the sectors where it is used most, such as in agriculture. Why is water a precious resource? How can we avoid wasting water , the treasure on which the life of all living beings is based? Let’s talk in the comments and let’s start to defend and appreciate this good that nature has given us.

About the Guest Author

Sunil Trivedi is the Managing Director of Aqua Drink. With 15 years of experience in the water purification industry, Sunil and his team have been ensuring that his clients consume 100% potable water to lead a healthy life and keeping water-borne diseases miles away.

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