Why Accounting Automation Is Key to Growing Your Business

From the time the word “automation” started making the rounds in the business world, it had been somewhat divisive. People were naturally wary of it and the fear of losing their jobs to “machines.” Thus, automation became an ever-present fear. 

However, as more processes became automated, companies saw the positive impact automation can bring to a business. And the possibility of losing one’s job to automation didn’t come to pass the way people expected it to. Yes, some jobs have been made redundant, but automation also created more job opportunities and new fields of study. 

Automation has infiltrated nearly all facets of running a business. It’s especially helpful when it comes to accounting. 

Accounting and automation

Automation in accounting isn’t exactly a new thing. In the late 1800s, William Burroughs created an adding machine. The machine didn’t have any form of memory, but it cut down on the time accountants needed to process their ledgers. 

By the end of the century, Herman Hollerith invented a punch-card machine that records data by punching a pattern of holes into a card. The machine can read these patterns and call up needed information. By 1907, these machines were widely used. 

After World War II, accounting automation took a leap when General Electric purchased UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) for the sole purpose of running its payroll. This computer was invented by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. It used magnetic tape instead of punch-cards to store data, and it was able to do the entire payroll process in 40 hours. 

More accounting machines and software were developed over the years, including Microsoft Excel. This is the one type of software (there are other software that operate much like Excel does) that’s indispensable to most accountants. 

Benefits of automation in accounting

Talented software developers keep on churning out new and improved accounting programs and tools that aid in the accounting process, and this is good news because accounting automation has undeniable benefits. 

Improved accuracy

Human error is normal. We all make mistakes. And when you have spent countless hours poring over numbers upon numbers, the chances of human error increases as the hours get longer. When you have an automated accounting system in place, you cut down on the manual parts of the process, the parts where human error is rife, and you allow the program to do what it was intended to: run numbers and send accurate data. Machines rarely make computing errors, which make accounting processes more seamless and faster. 

This doesn’t negate the work of an accountant, however, because an actual accountant still needs to verify the data and make sense of it for whatever purpose the business has for it. But it does cut down on errors and make their work more manageable in the long run. 

Reduced time

Automation can save you a lot of time. An accounting software can create thousands of entries in a second. It would take one human several hours, if not days, to do that. Closing your books at the end of the month could be as speedy as a sports car speeding around a racetrack. 

All this with the added bonus of data accuracy. Getting your numbers to match would be a breeze. Your accounting software would have checked and double-checked all your data entries, reconciled your figures, and spat out the report long before your monthly deadline. 

Payment confirmations, cross-checking data between spreadsheets or systems, these could take days when done manually. With automation, they can be done within seconds and can be run and re-run without causing much trouble or time. As a result, you can focus on other important business matters since the process automation software from a reputable service provider will streamline accounting tasks for you and provide you with all the applications you need to keep your accounting department running smoothly. 

Improved productivity

With automation clearing more time for your accounting employees, they can turn their attention to other things. Less time to process means more work or data can be processed in any given amount of time, so your employees can focus on your client’s other needs. For example, your accountants can become more productive in handling higher-risk job areas, including business analysis, complex financial transactions, and other relevant aspects. 

Remember, the more time your employees have to address your customers or clients, the better your service will be — and the higher your customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction usually translates to repeat customers, and given time, new customers. So, look for the best automation software now and start reaping the benefits of improved employee productivity and enhanced business operations. 

Data security

Various governments are now slowly getting on board with digital receipts. Sooner or later, we may be able to do away with actual paper storage. Depending on where you are, governments will need you to store your financial and tax records on paper. This creates a weak point when it comes to data security

When your financial and tax documents are stored digitally, anyone who has permission to access that data can access them without having to physically go through filing cabinets and file folders. That data can easily be retrievable with just a few keystrokes and a password. Digital data storage also makes your data more secure. 


Most accounting jobs can be complicated and labor-intensive, especially if they have to be done manually. So, you probably need to hire more people to work in your accounting department. However, hiring new employees means more expenses, as you’ll need to pay for their salaries, benefits, and others. 

But by using automation software, you won’t have to recruit more staff members to take charge of certain accounting tasks. For instance, you don’t have to pay an employee for creating a balance sheet or other financial documents. You can simply use the software to generate a financial report within seconds or minutes. Since the program can handle some accounting processes for your business, you’ll save more money. 


Accounting has grown throughout the years, from something that’s tedious and time-consuming to something that can be managed with the help of accounting software and automation. Automation can cut down on errors, time spent, and even physical storage space.

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