What You Should Avoid in Outdoor Advertising

With restrictions tentatively lifting and life starting to finally return to some kind of normality, people are beginning to spend much more time outside and make up for the amount of time cooped up inside during the pandemic. With people out and about a lot more, businesses are smartly looking to increase their outdoor advertising strategies as a way to catch people’s attention. 

This can certainly work well and could help to kickstart your recovery, but there are a few common mistakes that you need to make sure that you are avoiding when it comes to outdoor advertising.

Excess Information

The most common mistake is having too much information on the sign. Nobody is going to stop and read a wall of text, so instead, you simply need to catch their attention and use a concise message that will have the desired impact.

Lack of Eye-Catching Visuals

Leading on from this, you need to make sure that you are using eye-catching visuals that will be hard to ignore. Keep in mind that people see a huge number of adverts while out and about every day, so you need to find ways to make yours stand out.

Not Considering the Weather

As a UK business, you need to consider the weather as this could ruin your marketing efforts. It is smart to use rain-resistant materials for your adverts, which you can do by using the services of an experienced poster printing company that has the option to have posters printed in weatherproof materials

Lack of Socials

It is also important to add your social media information to your adverts so that people can visit your pages and find out more information. This can connect your online and offline marketing and will allow you to further engage with potential customers and encourage them to take a chance on your business.

Just Using Billboards

When businesses are planning outdoor advertising campaigns, they will often focus mainly on billboards but this could be holding you back. While a giant billboard will certainly get noticed, you will be limiting your campaign and instead you should look into other places that people pass through on their days. 

Lack of Research

As with any marketing strategy, you need to do your research in order to make it as effective as possible. You need to think about who you are targeting and what action you want them to take, what your competitors are doing and what kind of visuals will be most effective just as a starting point.

Outdoor advertising can certainly be effective particularly with the world starting to open up once again, but you need to make sure that you are avoiding these mistakes if you are to find success with outdoor advertising.  

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